Romans12verse11 ‘Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the lord.’
There is no other work that is as prosperous as God’s work and the desire of God for you as his Child is to prosper in his work. But this is not the case with everyone. This is why God is also bringing your way this series of teachings as to how to prosper doing God’s work. Since there is a way of prospering doing God’s work, there is also a way of not prospering doing God’s work. So far in this series, I have shared 3 powerful means of prospering in God’s work and today, by his grace, I will be sharing more insights along this line. So if you are ready, let’s examine them right away.
4. Serve God sacrificially. Be willing to spend and be spent for God. The truth of the matter is that serving God will always be sacrificial. It’s something that will cost you something. 1Chro21v24. There is a price for everything in life. The higher you want to go in life, the greater the sacrifice. And if your service is not costing you something, you might not be serving him the right way. Lk2v36-38
So what does it really mean to serve God sacrificially? It means:
-To be willing to deny yourself for the good of the kingdom or God’s work. Matt20v28
-To give sacrificially of your time, resources and abilities etc. to the business of God. Acts4v34
-To use your resources, means, talents and skills for the good of the kingdom without charging or freely. 1Cor9v16,18
-To take risks for the kingdom. Acts14v19
-To be persecuted for his Kingdom. 2Cor4v8-10
These are just some of the dimensions of what it means to serve God sacrificially. So what kind of service are you rendering to God? Is your sacrifice costing you something? The truth of the matter is that you can’t serve God on your own terms .it has to be on his own terms
I pray for you today that the spirit of sacrificial service will come upon you today in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: Mk8v34: 2Cor12v15: Col1v29: Acts15v26: Philip1v29: Neh3v5: Rom16v3-4
Prayer for Today: I renew my commitment to serve the lord today sacrificially in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I receive a fresh baptism of fire to serve the lord sacrificially. I am willing to spend and to also be spent for God. Nothing gives me greater joy other than to serve like this. Thank you, Jesus, for the privilege of Service!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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