Romans12verse11 ‘Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the lord.’
God wants you to prosper in his work, but if you want to prosper in his work, you need to serve him in the way and manner he wants to be served. The good thing is that God has not hidden from us how he wants to be served. And from what I have been sharing with you so far, you can see some of the ways God wants you to serve him. My focus on today’s lesson will be on more ways of serving God in a profitable manner. So without much ado, let’s examine these keys right away.
3. He wants you to be mindful of his business. This is how you can do God’s work in a profitable manner. And what does it mean to be mindful of his work? To be mindful of God’s work is:
-To take ownership of his work. To see his work as your own work. My dear reader, nothing gladdens the heart of the father like this. So how do you see his work? Do you see it as your work or the pastor’s work? Do you see yourself as a stakeholder in his work or otherwise? The answers you give to these questions will tell where you belong but the best proposition is for you to do his work like your own work. Lk2v49
-To take his work seriously. God’s work is not supposed to be taken lightly or anyhow. God’s work is serious business and your attitude towards it will also determine your reward. So being mindful of God’s work is treating his work seriously. My dear brothers and sisters, what kind of attitude do you have towards his work? Do you do whatever is committed into your hands with all your heart or otherwise? It’s time to start taking God’s work more seriously because your lifting and promotion are connected to it. Eccle9v10
-To be preoccupied with God’s work. This also means that God’s work is on your mind and thoughts. I have discovered that not everyone thinks about the welfare of God’s work. Not everyone is busy and preoccupied with how they can add value to God’s work. Not everyone is really concerned about the well-being of God’s house. And you don’t need to be a pastor in order to think like this. Once you are a bonafide child of God, it’s your business to think of God’s house or work. This is how you can prosper in his work and the earlier you begin to serve like this, the better for you in Jesus name, amen. Ps132v1-5.
So, my dear readers, what are you waiting for? It’s time for you to begin to see God’s work as your work. As you start doing this, you will see that your profitability in his house will go up. I will see you at the top in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References:1Cor15v10; 1Sam21v8: Neh1v3-4;2v2-3,10: 2Ki7v1-3: Jn2v17
Prayer for Today: I receive a fresh burden today from God to serve like I have never done before; in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: It’s a new day for me because God’s work is prospering like never before under my watch. As I receive a better understanding of what it means to serve him, my life is changing from glory to glory in Jesus name, amen. This is my testimony and Song!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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