Psalm 37verse18-19 ‘The Lord knoweth the days of the upright: and their inheritance shall be forever. V19-They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.’

How do you prosper in a time like this? Well, this is one of the reasons God is bringing this series of teachings your way today. It is true that we are living in challenging times but the good thing is that God has not left you without a witness. He has ways of prospering his people in difficult times like this. In fact, he has done it before. How do I mean? Check out the following checklist of interventions by God:
-Abraham (Gen12v10;13v1-2)
-Isaac (Gen26v1,12-14)
-Jacob (Gen30v27,30)
-Elijah (1Ki17v2,9).
My dear reader, you too can prosper in challenging times because he has done it before for others; you can rest assured that he will do the same for you if you are willing to play your part. But the bottom line is for you to know that you can prosper in this season. I’m sure you are wondering how I know this. I am fully persuaded that you will prosper as his Child because of the following reasons:

1. God is the source of your prosperity. Your prosperity is not dependent on any man, system or the economy of this world. This is why the likes of Daniel and Joseph prospered regardless of where they were and who was in power. Since God was their source, their prosperity was unstoppable and undeniable. This will also become your testimony because you are a partaker of the same covenant. Ps1v1-3

2. Your prosperity is not limited or based on the circumstances or conditions of life. Dear friends, this is one of the reasons why you can prosper in such a time like this. If you can recall, God has promised to supply all your needs according to his riches in glory. If you will take note of this promise, it’s clear that God’s provisions far exceed whatever any man or government possesses. So, therefore, no reason to worry, for you will be adequately taken care of by God. Philip4v19

Dearly Beloved Ones, there is hope for you even in this season, so cheer up and be encouraged! I see you coming out of this season better in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: Dan1v17,20;6v28: Ps37v25-26,37,39-40: 1Sam18v5,14,30

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive these words of wisdom to prosper in this season in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: By the grace and mercy of God, I will prosper in this season. I operate in God’s wisdom; therefore, my prosperity shall not be limited or curtailed. I flourish like the Palm tree and I grow like a cedar in Lebanon. This is my testimony in Jesus name, amen.