Deut. 7v14: You shall be blessed above all peoples; there shall not be a male or female barren among you or among your livestock.

Ps. 68v35: O God, you are more awesome than your holy places. The God of Israel is He who gives strength and power to His people. Blessed be God!

Our God is in the business of empowering his people, this is why he is described as the God or source of empowerment (Ps.68v35). The Lord wants you to be empowered by every possible means and in the major areas of life. This is why he has also created avenues or means through which he seeks to empower you. It is these avenues that we will be focused on in this series of lessons.

But before we look at these avenues, what is empowerment? Empowerment can be defined as follows:

Authority or power given to someone to do something.
The process of becoming stronger and more confident especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s right.

My dear reader, it’s time to come of age and to also enter into the fullness of your inheritance in Christ. This will happen as you effectively take hold of the avenues of empowerment that God has in store for you.

Dear Beloved ones, before we venture into the empowerment platforms that God has for you and me, we need to address why God empowers his people. God never does his things without a purpose and objective (Pro.16v5). So why does God want you to be Empowered? He wants you to be empowered:

  • So that you can be able to stand on your feet. He empowers you so that you can be strong enough to stand on your own. You can see this in manifestation in the life of Jacob. God empowered him so that he could be economically and financially free (Gen.30v35-43).
  • So that you can be a blessing or even a greater blessing unto others. Your heavenly father doesn’t just want to be blessed but to also be a blessing. This is one of the major reasons he wants you empowered (Acts 10v38).
  • So that you can fulfil your colourful destiny. You need power to accomplish your vision and dreams. You cannot fulfil them all by yourself. This is why he makes his power available to you so that your dream can see the light of Day (Isa.40v29-31).
  • So that you can do more. You have a greater capacity to do more and his empowerment will enable you to do more. This is why he takes delight in empowering his own (Phil.4v13). Glory be to God for his power will enable you to do more.

So it’s time to embrace his empowerment. It’s time for you to access his power in every area of your life and endeavour. As you do this, I see a new world unfolding for you in Jesus’ name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: (Jer.1v4-5; Acts 1v8; Jug.3v10: 6v34-35; Ps.84v7; Lk.10v19: 9v1; Deut.34v9).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I embrace fully your empowerment for every area of my life today in Jesus name, amen. Lord, I receive your grace and more grace upon my life.

CONFESSION: Lord, I am open to your avenues of empowerment in my life. I believe and receive your empowerment in every area of my life, career and endeavours. I receive freshness of your power and grace to become all that you have designed me to be. I receive your grace to fulfill my colourful destiny. Because of your empowerment, I live a super-abundant life and am a blessing to my generation.