Ps. 68 v 35: O God, you are more awesome than your holy places. The God of Israel is He who gives strength and power to His people. Blessed be God!

Your heavenly father has created the areas by which you can be empowered for life and this has been the focus of our discussion for some time now. These avenues for empowerment are available and accessible to you as his child. And I have so far shared two of these platforms with you. Today by his grace, I would like to go further by sharing other avenues for empowerment and upliftment in life. So off we go!


1. The Skills Platform. A skill is the ability to do something well i.e. expertise. So my dear reader, what is your level of skillfulness like? Are you acquiring skills that will position you for greater relevance and impact in life? You may need to do an audit of the kind of skills that you have at the moment so that:
It can give you an idea of where you are now.
– It can give you an idea of what you need to acquire or do.
– It can help you to make the needed changes and adjustments for the better.

    Acquiring the right skills will greatly empower you in life because the more skilful you are, the greater your chances of empowerment. So you need to set your heart on getting more skilful so that you can continue to be relevant in your world and chosen field of endeavours. So start making the moves now (2Chro.2v13-14).

    2. The People Platform. Your empowerment in life also comes via the association in your life. So who is in your circle of influence? What kind of people do you walk with? Are they helping or hurting you? The answer you give to these questions will tell to a great extent the kind of people in your life. You need to know that the kind of people you walk with will determine where you will end up, who you will become and what you will be able to accomplish. This is why you need to get the right kind of people into your life if you want to be empowered. God is in the business of using people to raise and help you and may you never miss the people he has sent into your life (Pro.13v20). May you encounter the Mordechai, Moses and Barnabas of this world that he has sent to you in this season and beyond in Jesus’ name, amen. So, my dear reader, it’s time for you to begin to pay attention to whom you hang out with!

      Other Scriptural References: (Exo.31v1-6; Ps.33v2: 78v72; 1Ki.7v13-14; Matt.4v19; Acts 4v33; Pro.27v17; 1Cor.15v33).

      Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive wisdom and courage today in choosing the relevant skills and associations that will bring me to my place of destiny in Jesus’ name, amen.

      CONFESSION: Glory be to God, for my days of power and strength are here. I no longer walk in darkness but in his light and illumination. I walk in dominion and authority. I walk upon my high places in life. I break new ground and I’m taking new territories. Because of his empowerment that is at work in my life, I ascend new heights in life and ministry. Because of his empowerment, I will not fail. Glory be to his name, for his empowerment works mightily in my life.