1Chronicles 22verse5: “And David said, Solomon my son is young and inexperienced, and the house to be built for the Lord must be exceedingly magnificent, famous and glorious throughout all countries. I will now make preparation for it. So David made abundant preparations before his death.”
Planning for the New Year is one of the most important things you need to do before a New Year comes, hence why these series of messages are extremely important! Planning or preparation time is never a waste of time. If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail. King David understood the place of planning. That was why he took time to adequately prepare for the building of the Temple, though he was not given the grace to build it. Notwithstanding, he prepared Abundantly. In the same vein, the New Year is close by, so what plans are you making for it? No Plans means No Goals! No Goals means No Results or Achievements!
So what is a plan? A plan is a detailed proposal for doing or achieving something! It’s an Intention or Decision about what one is going to do!
The tragedy of life is most people never really plan for a New Year; they just leave things to chance or coincidence! My dear brothers and sisters, this is not a good way of living and I wouldn’t advise you to follow this path! So planning is very important! Our Heavenly Father also is a God of Planning! A Good example of his Planning skills is in the Story of Creation (Gen1 &2) and the building of Noah’s Ark (Gen6v13-16), to mention just a few! This is why you ought to take more seriously your plans for the New Year!
However, if you will succeed in planning for the New Year, there are certain things you need to take note of! What are these requirements?
- Let God be involved in your planning. Don’t leave God out of your plans! Let God be involved in whatsoever plans you are making for the New Year. Make God your partner in your planning efforts! Doing this is one of the Smartest moves you can make because you are simply saying also that you want God’s input, counsel, Wisdom and help in whatever you are planning! So Let God be your Helper and Guide in planning (Pro.16v3).
- You must take responsibility for your planning. Responsibility is the Price of Greatness, so don’t put the responsibility of planning on others! The truth of the matter is that nobody is going to really plan the New Year for you other than yourself! So it’s time to take responsibility for yourself and for where you are now! Stop playing the blame game! Put your hands on the Plough and begin to chart the course for the New Year (Rom.2v1).
- There is a right and also a wrong time to plan for the New Year. Timing is everything and there is a right time for everything! The best time to plant a tree was 25 years ago while the second-best time is today! Planning is a product of timing, so you need to plan for the New Year at the right time. Make hay while the sun shines! Don’t leave for the last minute the planning for the New Year! Get on it right away! Begin now so that you can reap a Rewarding and Fruitful Outcome at the end of the day! I pray that this will be your experience in Jesus name, amen (Eccl.3v1).
Other Scriptural References: (Eccl.3v14; Pro.14v1: Ps.127v1; Lk.12v16-21: 14v28-30; Exo.25v9, 40: 6v30; Num.8v4; 1Chro.28v11-19).
Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, help me to prepare effectively for the New Year in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I choose to take the issue of planning for the New Year seriously! I take God into consideration in my planning for the New Year! I choose to swing into action immediately as I do not leave things to chance or coincidence! I do what I need to do on time! I seize the opportunity of these moments! I would not allow it to pass me by! Father God, help me to prepare to the best of my ability and knowledge! Glory be to God, for everything is working together for my good.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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