Luke18verse1 ‘And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;’

Prayerlessness is an enemy we must deal with before it deals with us as believers. As you can see from our text scripture (Luke 18verse1), God wants us to be prayerful and not prayerless. If we must overcome prayerlessness, then we need to understand what prayerlessness is all about. So what does prayerlessness mean? It is:

-When you pray less or lack the habit of praying.

-When you pray less than you ought to or don’t pray at all.

-When you don’t pray as much as you should or are not prayerful.

-The opposite of being prayerful.

These are just some of the meanings of prayerlessness.

Evidence abounds from scriptures that a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian, while a prayerful Christian is a powerful Christian. Jud1v20

So if you want God’s power to work in and through your life, you need to be prayerful. And in case you doubt the efficacy of your prayers, check out what James 5verse 16 says about your prayers as shown below:

-The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective -International Standard Version

-The prayer of a good person has a powerful effect -Goodness Bible

-The earnest (heartfelt continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available (dynamic in its working) -Amplified Version (Classic Edition).

The problem of prayerlessness is not new, as we can see other saints in the scriptures struggling with this issue. Lk9v28-36.But God’s will is for you to prevail in your prayer life. Prayerlessness is Satan’s strategy of rendering you useless and ineffective. This is why you must not allow him. Therefore your resolution as a believer should be to take your prayer life more seriously. Seek ways of improving and growing your prayer life. Start putting prayer on your priority list. Stop playing with your prayer life. Give your prayer life much more attention and dedication. Say no to every form of inconsistency in the place of prayer. Col4v2, 12.

My dear brothers and sisters, as you do this, you will notice a freshness in your prayer life. I pray that God will begin to revive your prayer life as a result of this series of teachings in Jesus name, amen. If you are receiving this, can I hear a resounding amen?

Other Scriptural References: Acts6v4: Rom12v12: Matt26v36-48: 1Thess5v17: Luk6v12

Prayer for Today: I rebel against every form of prayerlessness in my life today; in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I say no to every form of prayerlessness in my life and I embrace the spirit and culture of prayer. I receive grace and mercy to make prayer a part of my daily living and experience. Glory be to God, A fresh anointing to Pray is coming on my life in Jesus name, amen.