Pro.4v18: But the path of the just is like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.
One interesting thing I have noticed about life is that we are not all on the same level but the good thing about this also is that there is room to go to another level. Regardless of which level you are at right now, your level can change. You can move to a higher level. This is what our text scripture says in (Proverbs 4 verse 18). The paths of the righteous is supposed to be like the shining light. This simply means that God wants your level to keep changing for the better. From one level of Glory to another level of Glory. From one level of faith to another level of faith. From one level of Lifting to another level of lifting. This ought to be your testimony. And this can be a reality in your life if you are willing to play your part in making it happen. So how can your level change? What are the things that can take you to the next level in your life and Ministry?
These are things I intend to share with you now.
1. By the kind of decisions you make. Those who change levels make the right kind of decisions. They make quality Decisions. This was what changed the life of Daniel in Babylon. He became a Leading Light in a Foreign land because of the quality decision he made. In the same way, the Quality of life you live is determined by the quality of your decisions. So what kind of decisions are you making? (Dan.1v8; Jos.24v15)
2. By the kind of price you are willing to pay. Those who experience another level or new levels are willing to pay the price. To go up, you must be willing to give up. An increase cannot come without sowing. No glory without a story. No power without pain. My dear brothers and sisters, I want you to know that no meaningful progress is without a price. The price you pay determines your Placement and Position in life (Isa.40v31). So what kind of Price are you willing to pay? I want you always to remember that the quality of life you live is determined by the Quality of the price you pay.
3. By the kind of changes you implement in your life. The quality of changes that you allow into your life will determine the kind of changes or results that you will get. My dear reader, for your life to change for the better, you too must change. So are you ready to change? Most of the time, this is the hindering block to your next level. If you keep doing what you have done before, you will keep getting the same kind of results (Rom.12v2). So make up your mind to change! Be willing to let go of whatever is no longer working. Stop holding to what is dead. There is a better life ahead of you. There is a brighter future if you will only be courageous to make changes in your life. Though some of the changes may be painful but believe me, they will take you to another level.
I pray that the new level you so desire won’t elude you in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Jn.13v17; 2Cor.3v18; Lk.1v80: 2v40, 52; 1Chro.4v10; Gen.32v26; 2ki.2v2-12; Lk.25v17; Num.13v30: 14v6-9).
Prayer for Today: Father God, take me to the next level in life and Ministry in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Lord, thank you for taking me to another level. I am tired of staying on the same level. Therefore, I crave the next level. As I improve the quality of my decisions and the changes that I am ready to make, my life is changing for the better. I am moving from one level of Glory to another level of Glory. I move to a higher and better level. Things are changing for the better for me. This is my testimony and experience in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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