Psalm 81verse10 ‘I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.’
There is more than enough in God. So why settle for something little or less? You can have more because your heavenly father is unlimited in his means and provisions. I trust that you have been enjoying this series of teachings on more than enough. Today my emphasis will be on how to experience the more available in God. I believe that you are ready for this, so off we go!
3. Deplore God’s wisdom. My dear reader, with God’s wisdom, you will not lack and you will also have access to more than enough. This was one of the secrets of our Lord and Savior ( Jesus Christ); you can also see this wisdom in the lives of other covenant people.Pro21v22: Lk5v4-6. There are several definitions of wisdom but the one I love is knowing what to do in any given situation. This is wisdom personified. I know that one is limited as a human being but when you look at yourself from your covenant rights, you are not an ordinary person. Dan2v22. My dear reader, when you begin to know what to do in any given life situation, you are on your way to prospering and flourishing. This was responsible for the success of Joseph, Esther, Daniel, and several other people in the Bible. But in order for you to know what to do per time, you must:
-Search the scriptures diligently. As you meditate and put to the test God’s wisdom, you will be empowered to walk in God’s wisdom. So make sure that the word of God is your hiding place. Jn5v39: Ps19v7.
-Walk in partnership with the Holy Spirit. The spirit of God is the spirit of wisdom. So fellowshipping with him is a means of fraternizing yourself with his wisdom. Jn2v5:Isa11v2. Those who work who genuinely work with him will never lack his wisdom. May this be a living reality in your life.
So my dear brothers and sisters, are you ready to walk in the wisdom of God? Deploring God’s wisdom will usher you into a life of unusual abundance. May this be your living reality in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: Isa48v17: Ps25v4-5,12: 1Jn1v20,27: Jos1v1-8:2 Tim3v15: Isa34v16: Gen41v38-39: Pro4v5,7
Prayer for Today: Glory be to God; I step into a new dimension of abundance in Jesus name.
CONFESSION: By the wisdom of God, I operate in the dimension of abundance. Abundance and surplus are my heritage. As I walk in the wisdom of God, His Grace abounds richly unto me. Therefore I have all and I abound. My days of waking up in scarcity are over. I embrace the spirit of surplus and this is a constant theme in my life in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏 Amen 🙏