Psalm 81verse10 ‘I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.’

As you can see from our text scripture (Psalm 81verse10), God has not placed any limitation on how much we receive from him. We are the ones that often place limitations in our pathways of receiving but the time to do away with those things is here now. Because there is more than enough that is available to you and me. This is what I have been sharing with you in this series of teachings and today; I will go a step further by sharing with you another powerful insight into more than enough. If you are ready for this, here we go!

2. Deplore your Praise. If you experience the more than enough dimension that Jehovah has to offer you, then you need to engage the weapon of praise. Praise activates the grace of God on your behalf. This is why you can’t afford to keep quiet or be silent. Your praise silences the opposition. Acts16v25. So give no place to murmuring and complaining! Put on the garment of praise. Gratitude is the key to a graceful life, so don’t allow the enemy to steal your praise. Hab3v17-19. However, if you will experience the surplus that God wants to release to you in this season, then you need to know how to praise God. So how should you go about Praising God? You should:
-Praise him regardless of how you feel. Don’t let your feelings determine your praise; instead, praise in spite of your feelings. 2Cor5v7: Ps146v2
-Praise him when it doesn’t make sense. Praise God, even if you don’t know what is happening; still praise God notwithstanding! This will definitely set you up for a miracle. 2Chro20v2,15

3. Praise him regardless of the situation or circumstances. At times we allow the situation to condition our praise but this approach will never activate God’s power. My dear reader, choose rather to praise God regardless of the conditions of life. This will provoke the uncommon wonders of God. 1Sam30v6
-Praise him like you have never done before. Go out of your way to praise God. When you do such, you will be provoking God’s unusual Help. 2Sam6v13-14
So are you ready to activate the uncommon help of God through your praise? I believe that you are ready! May your praise usher you into the fullness of his Supplies in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: Ps67v5-7: Ps34v1-3: 2Cor4v15: 1Thess5v18: 1Ki8v63: Matt14v19-20

Prayer for Today: Today, I activate the door of God’s abundance through my praise in Jesus name, amen

CONFESSION: My praise is my weapon of supernatural increase. Through my praise, I provoke God’s Grace. His Grace works wonderfully for me! As his grace abounds so are his provisions towards me. I have more than enough to meet every need in Jesus name, amen.