Psalm 81verse10 ‘I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.’

It’s clear that our God is more than enough and also has more than enough to meet any need of yours. This is why he declares authoritatively in our text scripture (Psalm 81verse10) for you to open your mouth wide for him to fill up. My dear reader, God has not placed any limitation on what you can receive or have. We are the ones that often limit him with our anxieties, fears, doubts and unbelief. But I believe that through these teachings, a new dawn is here. Isa54v2-3. So what do you need to do in order to enjoy more than enough? To experience more than enough, you need to:

1. Deplore your Faith. Enjoying more than enough requires the use of your faith. Faith does not know any dry or wet seasons because faith is for all seasons and times. In fact, permit me to say that faith is no respecter of seasons or circumstances of life. 2Cor5v7. So this is the time to keep your weapon of faith intact. The problem with most of God’s children is that we hardly use our faith. But this has to change if you will enjoy Divine Abundance. You are expected to live by your faith. Heb10v38. And besides, it’s going to be unto you according to your faith. So how strong is your faith? In order to build up your faith, you need to know the ingredients that make your faith strong. What are these qualities? Your faith is a product of the following:

-What you hear. So what have you been hearing? If your faith will be strong, you need to hear the right information. Rom10v17: Mk10v47

-What you believe. What are you believing? Or what have you believed? You will never rise above your level of belief! So make up your mind to believe the right things. Lk1v45

-What you say or declare. Your faith is released by your words. So what have you been saying? Your faith will never be greater than what you say. So my dear reader, what have you been saying? Rom10v6: Pro18v21

Glory be to God; I hope you can now see why Your faith is so crucial in being able to receive the blessings of abundance. So it’s time to grow your faith! The stronger your faith, the greater your capacity to receive! I pray that you will be able to receive in totality the promise of more than enough!

Other Scriptural References: Mk9v23: Rom10v10: Matt12v37: Mk10v52: Mk4v14: Lk8v18: Gal3v11: 1Jn5v4

Prayer for Today: By faith, I receive today the blessings of divine abundance into my life in Jesus name amen

CONFESSION: I say no to scarcity mentality! Instead, I embrace the abundance mentality! There is more that is available in God and by his wisdom and grace, I walk in the realm of unimaginable abundance in Jesus name, amen.