Psalm 81verse10 ‘I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.’
More is available to you and me. In fact, as far as God is concerned, he wants you to have more than enough. God’s will is not scarcity, lack or insufficiency! There is no shortage or defaults in heaven. Philip4v19. On this earth, we experience lack or shortages, which is basically due to men’s greed, wickedness and ignorance. God has already provided, my dear reader, everything you will ever need. It’s just waiting for your discovery! In order for you to understand the concept of more than enough, you need to understand the following truths about your heavenly father:
1. God is more than Enough. This is an important revelation that you need to have concerning your Daddy. In fact, more than enough is actually God’s name, character and nature. This is why he is called El-Shaddai in Hebrew. Glory be to God! Your heavenly father is not stingy but massively generous to a fault. Jam1v5: Gen17v1. So it’s time for you to start profiting from the largesse of your heavenly Father
2. God has more than Enough. This simply means he has more than enough to offer or give away in terms of his abilities, resources or means. Your father will never run out of resources, ideas and supplies! This is the kind of Father that you have! So precious child of God, you have no reason to fret or worry! Ps50v10-12: Jn10v10. All your needs shall be adequately taken care of.
3. God can do more than enough. His ability is unlimited and unparalleled. He can make a way where there seems to be no way. 2Cor3v5-6: Philip4v13. He is the way maker. Nothing is impossible with him. This is why I know you will not be put to shame in Jesus name, amen.
My dear reader, with this understanding in mind, there is nothing that is before you that you can subdue! If you are receiving this, do say a Big AMEN!
Other Scriptural References: Matt14v20: 2Cor9v8: Jn1v16: 2Chro25v9: Lk18v27: Ps28v8
Prayer for Today: Heavenly father, thank you, for you are my all-sufficiency!
CONFESSION: I receive this revelation about the all-sufficiency of my God! I also release my faith in this ability of my heavenly father! Therefore I will not be afraid or intimidated by the size or magnitude of any need! My father is more than enough! Hallelujah! Therefore, I shall be adequately taken care of.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.