2Cor.4v8-9: We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.

When it comes to dealing with crisis, we don’t all respond in the same way! Some of us respond positively, while others respond negatively. So what do you do when crisis comes your way? Do you run away, get paralysed, be mute or passive, give up or cave in, etc.? We are not supposed to cave in during crisis but soar high in crisis. This is God’s plan and will for you in the time of Crisis (Rom.8v37). You can draw inspiration and courage from Paul, Joseph, and Daniel’s examples, to mention a few in their time of crisis. If they could do it, you too can in Jesus name, amen, but you need to believe and respond appropriately. This is not the time to run away but to stand up and fight courageously. I can see you winning big in your crisis period. So how have you chosen to respond to the crisis of life? Like I said in our last lesson, how you respond will determine many things. Like what, you may ask? How you respond to crisis will either:

  1. Make you take responsibility or pass the buck. Crisis will either make you responsible or blame others, depending on how you choose to respond. So are you taking responsibility or blaming others in your crisis? I want you to consider the example of Joseph in captivity again. Instead of blaming his brothers, he decided to take responsibility for his life and where he was. This is why the tide turned in his favour. This can also become your testimony, too, if you start taking responsibility (Jn.5v1-9).
  2. Make or mar your destiny. Many people have been made through their crisis while others have been marred through their crisis; it just depends on how they choose to respond. A crisis can either lift you up or bring you down. It can either help or destroy your destiny. It all depends on the choices you make. This is why I encourage you to make the right kind of choices to help you get to your destination. For instance, crisis helped Daniel in fulfilling his destiny because he made the right kind of choices (Dan.1v8, 17-21). I pray that you will have favourable outcomes in life as you choose to respond properly to the crisis of your life.
  3. Bring out the best or the worst out of you. Crisis can either draw you closer to God or draw you farther from him; it just depends on how you respond to crisis. I know many people who have prospered and have been promoted during their time of crisis while I also know people who have lost their bearing and positions in life just because of their attitude to their crisis. This is why you need to make up your mind today that regardless of whatever crisis you may be facing, your attitude will be right and positive. Declare with me today by saying, “I choose to be the best and not the worst in my hour of crisis. My heavenly father will be glorified through my crisis in Jesus name, amen” (Gen.50v20).

Other Scriptural References: (2Ki.7v3; Deut.23v5; Lk.15v17-20; 1Sam.14v6-15; Ruth 1v16-18; Rom.2v1; Lk.14v18).

Prayer for Today: In the name of Jesus, I choose to see my crisis from a positive perspective and not a negative mindset. As I cooperate with the Holy Spirit, my victory is certain and sure in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: In my moment of crisis, I choose to be the best and not the worst. I choose to be made and not to be marred. I choose to take responsibility and not to blame others, my crisis is an opportunity to glorify God, and in the name of Jesus, Christ will be glorified in my crisis. I shall recover fully from this crisis. I am getting better and stronger because my God is at work within me, and everything is working together for my good.