Gen.41v38-39: So Pharaoh asked them, “can we find anyone like this man, one in whom is the spirit of God?” Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “since God has made all this known to you, there is no one so discerning and wise as you.
I am super excited about this series on the anointing making a difference for this is the will of God concerning you. His anointing is intended to speak and make an impact everywhere we are. In our last lesson, I shared with you 2 ways in which the anointing can make a difference. Today by His grace, I will be sharing 2 more ways the anointing can make a difference as it did in Joseph’s life in Gen.41v38-39.
3. By walking in the anointing. Yes, you need to walk confidently in your anointing if it’s going to speak in your life. I have discovered from experience that it takes courage or boldness to walk in your anointing. You need to fight off your fears, insecurities, worries, and doubts. You need to stand against everything that is trying to hinder the flow and manifestation of the anointing. One way you can do this is by obeying the promptings and leading of the anointing. What do I mean by this? Do whatsoever the anointing leads you to do. Go wherever the anointing leads you to go. The more you do this dear child of God, the greater the manifestation of the anointing in your life. Are you ready to yield to the anointing? I charge you today to cooperate fully with the anointing so that he can take you to places beyond your wildest imaginations and to also fulfill your purpose in God (1Jn.2v20, 27).
4. By depending on the anointing. How much do you depend on the anointing? At times, we depend more on our strengths, wisdom, intellect, connections, or what we can do more than the anointing. And this is why at times, the anointing is not making a huge difference in our lives. But the time has come to make it a turn. The time has come to start depending more and more on the anointing because the anointing offers superior wisdom, insight, strength, and grace to any other power. In fact, the anointing is unlimited in what it can do and accomplish. So stop walking in your limited experience and wisdom. Start depending more and more on the anointing in every area of your life i.e. spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, relationally, professionally et cetera. I guarantee you that things will never be the same and your testimonies will be undeniable. The time has come to rise up to this challenge. Will you do so today? (Acts 4v33).
Other Scriptural References: (Jn.15v5; 2Cor.12v9; Jn.2v5; 1Ki.17v2, 9; Gal.5v16-18, 25; Phil.4v13; Pro.3v5).
Prayer for Today: Precious Holy Spirit, I submit to walking in your anointing and to also depend more on your anointing. Lord, this is my pledge and promise, please help me, Lord.
CONFESSION: I choose to yield and surrender to the anointing. The anointing is my heritage. Therefore, I depend more on the anointing than my intellect, experience, and wisdom. I choose to rely on the unlimited wisdom and strength of the anointing. Therefore, I will not be put to shame nor ridiculed for the anointing is my stay and refuge. Blessed be the Lord, for the anointing is working mightily in and through me in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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