Psalm 34verse5 ‘They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed.’
Who are you looking unto? Some look unto men, princes, systems, government, expertise etc. But the best person to look unto is God. What advantage lies in looking unto God? There are a lot of benefits to be derived from looking unto God as we can see from our text scripture. Those who look unto God:
1. Won’t be ashamed; rather, they will be encouraged and strengthened.
2. Will be inspired and encouraged.
3. Will stand tall and strong. Ps20v7-8
4. Will be changed and Transformed.2cor3v18
5. Will be helped and assisted.Jam1v25
My dear reader, I believe you can now see why you need to keep looking unto God. Ps25v15. Where you look unto is quite important because it determines a lot of things, such as the following:
-Where you are looking unto is an indication of where your trust is. Ps146v3. It can tell us whether you trust in God or not.
-Where you are looking unto is an indication of where your help comes from. Ps121v1-2.
-Where you are looking unto is an indication of where your strength is. Ps144v1.
So, my dear brothers and sisters, I believe you can see why you need to start paying attention to where you are looking! It’s far better to look unto God than look unto any man or woman! It pays to look unto God than to be looking at any system or government! Learn to look up to your Father at all times and always. For there is no help in any other person. Nobody can help you or fight your battles like the Lord. So make sure you keep your eyes firmly fixed on him. Don’t allow anyone or anything to take you away from looking unto God because that is where your salvation and help come from. As you take heed to this counsel, you will discover that your life will take on a new meaning.
Other Scriptural References: Lk9v62; Ps118v8-9:123v1-2; Pro21v31; Acts3v3-5
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me to keep my eyes on the Lord all the days of my life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I choose to look unto God and not to anybody or anything! Nobody else can help me like my heavenly Father. Nobody can fight my battles and defend my cause like the Lord. So I choose to look unto my God every waking moment of my life!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.