Eph.5v22-23: Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church, and He is the Saviour of the body.

Dearly beloved, I hope you have been enjoying this series on leading your home successfully. The talk of leadership is not an easy one; hence, the reason you need all the help and insight you can get as the head of your home. I strongly believe that you are finding strength and succor through the godly and tested principles that I have been sharing with you. I have shared 8 powerful means of leading your home successfully and today by His grace, I intend to share 2 more keys with you.


  1. Lead spiritually. It takes some measure of spirituality to lead your home successfully as the head of your home. The question now is, “how spiritual are you as the husband?” You can’t lead someone to a place where you have not been before yourself. This is what some husbands have been doing i.e. trying to take their families to the God that they are not familiar with (Acts 17v23). This won’t work at the end of the day. This is why you need to grow up in your spirituality as the head of your home. It’s time for you to be indeed the priest, prophet, and pastor of your home. In what ways can you provide spiritual leadership?

    * By being a passionate lover of Jesus. Your love of and for God should not be questionable (Deut.6v4-6).
    * By leading your family in worship. Like Elkanah led his family to the house of the Lord (1Sam.1v1-5).
    * By serving the Lord together with your family. Don’t ever leave behind your family with regards to serving the Lord (Jos.24v15). My dear reader, it’s time for you to take your place as the spiritual head of your home.
  2. Lead by protecting your family. This is one of your responsibilities as the man in your home. You are to protect and provide for your family, for this is God’s expectation concerning you. This is why the Lord calls you also a covering to your wife (Gen.20v16). So, to what extent are you protecting your family? This is a very important question for you to consider and I can also shed more light on how you should protect your family. You can do this:

    * By providing for your family needs spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, and socially (1Tim.5v8).
    * By investing in the future of your family. You could do this by investing in the education of your children or career or destiny of your spouse (Pro.13v24)
    * By being there to offer counsel and advice that guides/keep them in the right path (Pro.11v14).
    * By shielding them from every attack/negative influence of the world and society.

My dear reader, these are just some of the ways by which you become a better leader in your home. I pray that the leader in you will rise to the occasion. May you be a worthy example of a godly and positive leader in your generation.

Other Scriptural References: (Pro.31v10; 1Pet.3v7; Jos.24v15; Jos.1v5; Gen.18v19; Matt.15v14; Eph.6v4; Deut.6v7, 20).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, help me to be a true reflection of whom a leader is in my home in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: Lord, I receive grace and courage to lead my home successfully. Help me to be strong in my leadership and not weak. Help me to be kind and not rude. Help me to be thoughtful and not a bully. Help me to be humble and not timid. Help me to be wise and not foolish. Help me to be a godly example of a leader in my home in Jesus name, amen.