Eph.5v22-23: Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church, and He is the Saviour of the body.
It’s possible to lead your home successfully as the head of your home as a married man. I know the task of leadership is challenging and at times not easy but thanks be to God, there are ways of going about this exercise. You can win this battle. You can lead your home successfully if you follow these godly and well-tested principles that we have been talking about. I believe your testimony is next in line. What then do you need to do? What tools do you need to deploy? Those are the things I will be sharing with you today.
- Lead with a servant’s heart. Be a servant-leader and not a self-centered leader. This is what it takes to lead your home successfully. What is servant-leadership? It focuses on enriching the lives of individuals and improving the organization and communities they serve. The basis is to serve rather than accruing power or taking control. Remember that it takes humility to serve. In what ways are you serving your family? Are you serving your family or yourself? Are you putting your wife and family first or yourself? Are you serving or waiting to be served? The answers you give to these questions will determine to a large extent if you are a servant-leader or not. I remember the story of one of my members that whenever the wife got pregnant, he practically took over the kitchen roles because according to him, he wanted to make sure his wife was fine. This is certainly one example of serving your wife. Can you think of any other ways of serving your family? Matt.20v28
- Lead with a purpose. In other words, as the leader over your home, your wife and children must be able to know where the family is going, what the family is trying to accomplish, or wants the family wants to become. As the man in the home, it’s your duty to articulate the vision clearly. It’s your responsibility to cast the vision so that your family can run with it (1Cor.14v8). No vision means no direction. No purpose means no drive. You can’t afford to be careless or directionless in your leadership. Some classic examples of leading with purpose that you can borrow a cue from in the Bible is when Abraham was leaving Ur of the Chaldea’s (Gen.12v1-4) and when Jacob was leaving Laban (Gen.31v4, 14-16). My dear reader, it’s time to lead your home with purpose as only a leader with purpose will succeed. Are you ready for this challenge and by the way, how should you cast your vision? By making it:
* Clear enough for your family to understand.
* Concrete enough so that your family can touch/feel/engage in it personally.
* Concise enough so that it’s devoid of too many details.
* Compelling enough so that it can move them to action.
I pray that you will be motivated and inspired enough to lead your home with purpose from today in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Jn.13v1-15: 15v13; 1Cor.10v24: 9v25; 2Cor.12v15; Eccle.6v8; Heb.2v1-3; Pro.29v18).
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me in leading my home successfully in Jesus name, amen. Help me to be a true reflection of a man after your heart and purpose.
CONFESSION: I commit myself to be a worthy example to my family. I choose to lead with purpose and a servant’s heart. I am willing to serve and if need be, lay down my life for my family. I am ready to protect, provide and defend my family by His grace and help. I am ready to be a godly model of a real husband. I am willing to spend and be spent. This is my solemn vow in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Lord make me indeed a worthy model in my home
Help me to live a life that is a godly and a worthy example in Jesus name
Willingness to spend and be spent in order to be a successful leader, Holy Spirit we need You, help us LORD to deal with self in JESUS Name.
Thank you Sir.