John16verse33: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
How have you been responding to the challenges of this season? A Lot of people use different coping mechanisms or strategies but for us a believer, God has a better alternative! His methods are always the best and they will never let you down! If you have been following this series of teachings, I have shared so far with you 3 of the right ways God wants us to respond to the crisis of this season. And today, by his grace, I will be sharing another powerful tool that will lift you in this season! So, without much ado, let’s examine it right away!
4. By Focusing on obeying his Word. This is another powerful tool that God has given us to bring out of this season triumphantly! So, how focused are you on obeying his Word? Some have even departed from his Word instead of staying with his Word. My counsel to you today is to never depart or forsake his Word. Don’t ever compromise or abandon his Word because you need his Word more than ever before. His Word will never fail you, even when others fail you! So, my dear reader, stick to his Word regardless of what happens! For his Word will surely put you over in Jesus name, amen. Acts4v19; Jn13v17.
There is never a time that his Word does not work if you work it faithfully.
And so, how do you obey his Word? You obey his Word by simply doing whatever his Word says. This is how to obey God’s Word! Jam1v22. So the key question to ask is, what does the Word of God say? If you know whatever the Word says to you in any given situation and you obey it accordingly, you will be setting yourself on the pathway of victory! So, my admonition to you today is to decide to obey whatever the Word says to you! You will begin to notice that flourishing will be the order of the day for you as you comply with the instructions of the Word.Lk8v21.
While it’s important to obey God’s Word, it is equally good to know how to obey his Word! So, how should you go about obeying his Word? You ought to do this:
-By obeying his Word all the time. Make up your mind in obeying God’s Word regardless of the situation and circumstances of life! Doing this is one of the significant things you can ever do for yourself. So get on it right now!
-By obeying his Word above the words of men. Obeying God’s Word should rank higher than the counsel or opinion of men for you! Acts5v29.
As you begin to rate God’s Word above the counsel of men, you will begin to see yourself prosper on another Level!
So, my dear friends, it’s time for you to prioritize obeying God’s Word above every other thing! Are you ready to make this commitment today?
Other Scriptural References: Exo1v17; Jam1v25; Lk11v28; Ps1v1-3; Jer17v7-8.
Prayer for Today: Lord, I receive grace to obey your words at all times in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I will not allow anything to move me from obeying his Word! Obeying God’s Word is my creed and motto! I am a word practitioner and also a doer of his Word! I will obey his Word regardless of the situation or circumstances of life! I know that as I do this, my life will be a reflection of those who truly seek him in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.