John16verse33: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
There is no doubt that we are in a challenging season and time! This is evident by the things that are happening all around us but the good news is that God has not left us without a witness and assurance! So if I were you, I would rejoice and take solace in God! And as you can see from our text scripture (Jn16v33) God has promised to be with you all the way! So be strong and of good courage! However, if you are going to respond properly to these challenges, you need to know certain truths about these challenges. What are some of these truths? I shared some with us in our last lesson and today by his grace, I would like to share some more with you! So off we go!
3. It’s an opportunity for God to prove himself. The challenges that you are currently going through are an opportunity for God to show himself strong on your behalf! So, rejoice, child of God! Don’t be discouraged or dismayed! Light shines brightest in the midst of darkness! In fact, there is no basis for light if there is no darkness! Isa60v1-3. So get ready for the manifestation and breaking forth of your light. If the challenge of the fiery furnace was not before Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, you and I would not have known what God was capable of doing! So dearly beloved, whatever challenge that is before you is an opportunity for God to show himself strong in your life and circumstances! So say this out loud: These challenges of mine are an opportunity for God to prove himself in my life! Therefore, I know that he will prove himself strong! If you believe this, can I hear a thunderous amen?
4. God never promised you that there won’t be any trouble. This is why you should not allow the challenges of this season to weigh you down! Precious child of God, there is practically no place in the scriptures where God says you won’t be challenged or tested! So if I were you, I would brace myself up for the challenge! Evidently, for God to have allowed this to happen, it’s because he knows you can surmount it. Philip4v13. And in the name of Jesus, this will be your testimony! Therefore, stop allowing the challenges to weigh you down! There is hope for you, for surely there is light at the end of the tunnel! Child of God, whatever challenges you have to face in this hour, know that you are never alone and he will see you through these times and seasons. Isa43v2-3.
Stop listening to the lies of Satan; you are never alone and God has not abandoned you! In fact, one proof that he is with you is because of these challenges! He trusts so much in you and the grace that he has put on your life; this is why you will prevail in Jesus name! So, if I were you, I would start getting ready to win on all sides!
Other Scriptural References: Acts14v22: 2Cor4v8-10; Rom8v18; Matt28v20; Heb13v5; Eph3v20
Prayer for Today: Thank You, Father, for showing yourself strong in all my challenges in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: The challenges I am facing now is an opportunity for God to prove himself in my life and I know that he will do so! I will not be put to shame, neither will I be forsaken! He that keeps me does not sleep or slumber! The Lord is my keeper and shade upon my right hand! He fights my battles for me and I also triumph by his grace! Glory be to God, for all things are working together for my good in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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