Psalms 23v1: The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Dearly beloved, I trust you are enjoying our discussion on how to meet your needs! I know that human needs are numerous and the resources to meet them are scarce but glory be to our God, for he is more than sufficient in meeting your needs! Your heavenly Father is not limited by time, space, or environment. This is why this series of lessons is coming your way! I believe it’s a new day for you from henceforth because you will begin to dominate all your needs in Jesus’ name, amen. From our last lesson, I began to share how you can meet your needs. Today by his grace, I intend to continue in the same vein. So how can you succeed fully in meeting your Needs?
3. By the Works of your Hand. Yes, this is another veritable means of getting your needs met by God. The Almighty has promised to bless the works of your hands, so if you are not doing anything, he has nothing to bless! You need this principle at work, even in the beginning. God gave Adam a garden to tend and work (Gen.2v8, 15). He expected him to work as this is how he will have something to bless. So what are you doing? Are you working for someone or yourself? You need to have something to do if your needs will be met; otherwise, you might be a beggar (Pro.10v4). So it’s time to be busy and productive! It’s time to get something done and you know you don’t need a job before you can work! I know of one or two people who got a job by first volunteering their services free at an organization before they were absorbed into the system. So what are you waiting for? Stop being idle or whiling away your time (Pro.6v6-8). Remember, time waits for no man, so it’s time to get hold of yourself and your destiny! It’s time to be productive with your time and days. So how can you be productive with your hands? You can do so by the following:
– Trade your talent. You can turn your talent into a means of making money through discipline! Many have successfully done this; you too can do likewise (1Ki.10v1-2, 24-25).
– Learn a skill. You can acquire many skills that can be a source of income for you today. First, look around you, study your environment and the trends, and then acquire relevant skills and expertise that God can bless (1Ki.7v13-14).
– Render a Service. Money will always flow in the direction of quality service any day, any time. Find out what kind of service you can render in your environment that God can bless ultimately.
Be a Volunteer. God can bless the work of your hands through volunteering yourself and your services. So what are you waiting for?
Whichever way. Just make sure you are moving and not dormant or idle! In this way, you will be opening up yourself to the blessings of the Almighty and as God blesses your endeavors, your needs will be adequately taken care of. I pray that this will be your portion and testimony in Jesus’ name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Deut.2v7: Job 1v10; Pro.10v22; Ps.128v1-2; Isa.3v10: Gen.26v12-14: 30v30: 39v2-6).
Prayer for Today: Father, I thank you for blessing and empowering the works of my hands. Thank you, Jesus!
CONFESSION: Through the Work of my hands, my needs are being met. For Jehovah is blessing the works of my hands. Therefore, I am blessed in all my ways and efforts. My little is turning into much and my labours shall not be in Vain. For the blessing of the Lord is making a difference in what I do and in my endeavours! Glory be to God, for his favour and mercies speak abundantly on my behalf. Therefore, I enjoy the unlimited provisions of the shepherd in all my ways!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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