Hebrews 4verse12 ‘For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharpner than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

God’s word is potent and powerful. The power in the word is more than enough to meet any one of your needs but the challenge we usually have is with how to put the word to work. You need not to worry about that anymore because the answer is stirring you now in the face. Yes, this is why God is sending this write up to you today and I pray that your eyes of understanding will be illuminated in Jesus name, amen. In our last lesson, I shared with you how to put his word to work. Today by his grace, I will be sharing 2 important keys in making his word to work for you! If you are ready, here we go!

3.By acknowledging the supremacy of his Word. This is how to make his word work for you! Start enthroning his word above every situation and circumstances in your life. Enthrone his word above sickness and disease, poverty and lack, sin and death, fear and insecurity, worry and anxiety, failure and disappointments etc. My dear reader, the word is superior to any situation in your life right now and as you acknowledge the supremacy of his word, things will start changing in your life for the good. I want you to know that things will ultimately change if you continue to enthrone his word in your life, because God is too faithful to fail. Ps138v8: Isa42v21. I pray that God’s word will prevail in whatever area of your life that you might be trusting him for in Jesus name, amen.

4.By acting on the Word of God. This is how to make his word work for you! Real faith is actually acting on the word. It’s not just enough to believe, because the devils also believe, it’s important for you to act on his word. To act on his word is to:
-Put his word into practice. To become a word practitioner. Jam1v22,25
-Put his word to test. its committing yourself to his word. Those who put his word to test never go unrewarded. Ps34v8. So make up your mind to be a doer of his word.
Are you ready to be a doer of his word? The blessings is in doing and not just believing. And if you really claim to be believe his words, you will do it. When you do his word, God is committed to doing what you can’t do. So dearly beloved ones, it’s time to be a doer of his word, so that you can begin to experience the wonders of his word. I pray that today will mark that new beginning in your life!

Other Scriptural References: Jn2v5;9v6: Lk5v4-6:2ki5v10: Ps119v89: Matt8v8: Heb1v3: Isa55v11

Prayer for Today: I believe that his word will begin to work wonders in my life from today in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I am not just a hearer of his word but also a doer. And as I act on his word, my life changes for the better! I am not just a believer of his word. I also enthrone his word above every situation in my life. And as I do this, his word lifts me to another level! Hallelujah!