Romans 12 verse 11 (NKJV): not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord;

You are welcome back to our discussion on maintaining your fervency. I have discovered that it’s much easier to maintain your fervency other than to get it. This is why you need to do everything to ensure that your fervency does not go down. In our last lesson, I shared with you some basic truths you need to know concerning your fervency. Today, by his grace, I want us to consider the Indicators of losing Your fervency. When someone loses their fervency, what are the signs or symptoms to look at? If you are well, you will know and if you are sick too, it will be obvious to you. So, how can you know if you are losing your fervency?


1. Loss of appetite for the things of God.

When someone begins to lose appetite for things like prayer, the word of God, fellowship with the saints, evangelism, serving God e t.c. It’s an indication their zeal is going down. This is why one needs to keep a close watch on such things. Your appetite for God should rather be on the increase and not on the decrease. But this won’t just happen like that without your cooperation. This is why it’s so important for you to stay fired up in your zeal. Matt 5 v 6:

2. Giving excuses for the things you usually won’t give excuses for.

When someone suddenly begins to give excuses for the things they don’t normally give excuses for, it’s an indication of things not being all right. So, dear brothers and sisters, you need to pay attention to such things if it’s happening in your life because it means your fervency is going down. Rom 2 v 1. When it comes to what we ought to do, God wants you to be prompt and on time; you must not give room to any form of excuses if you don’t want your zeal to go down. So, say no to every form of excuse today!

3. Monotony becomes the order of the day.

This is a vital sign of not being fervent or losing your fervency. Precious child of God, don’t allow monotony to set in your walk with God. It’s a dangerous place to be and you need to get out fast if you are already in such kind of condition. When someone is monotonous, it simply means that they are neither going forward nor backward. That means you are standing still, or you are in the same spot. This is never God’s will for any of his children. That is why you need to get out fast. God’s will is for you to go forward. I decree today that an end has come to you going around in circles or staying on the same spot in Jesus name, amen. Deut 2 v 3. I want you to say no to every form of monotony in your walk with God. The time to move forward has come. If you believe this, say a big AMEN.

Other scriptural references: Lk 14 v 16, 18: Rev 21 v 5: Isa 55 v 1 – 2: Jn 7 v 37: Ps 69 v 9: Num 25 v 11: 2ki 10 v 16

Prayer for today: Lord, revive your love for you in my heart in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I love you, Lord with all of my being. My love for you will never go down. I receive grace and mercy to love you more and more. Holy Spirit, renew my zeal and affection towards you and your house. I renounce every form of lukewarmness in my life from today in Jesus name. I receive fresh fire on my altar right now in Jesus name, amen!