2Chro.27v6: So Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God.

You are welcome back to our discourse on how to have an amazing year! You can make the most of this year if you are ready to meet certain obligations and conditions and make some powerful decisions. These are some of the critical factors you need to consider in your plans for the new year, as I explained in our last Lesson. However, these factors can also be broken down to certain disciplines or principles you need to embrace and today, by his Grace, I will be sharing another key principle with you that will enable you to have a successful year. So without much ado, let’s examine this principle right away.


2. Invest in the Kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is the most profitable soil you can ever invest in. It’s more profitable than silver, gold, or landed properties. So what are your contributions to the kingdom of God? What kind of contributions are you willing to make into his Kingdom this year? The answers you give to these questions will tell whether you are either a contributor or just a Consumer! I have discovered that those who put his Kingdom First will never come last. So it’s time to be a Kingdom Promoter and Builder! (Matt.6v33; Lk.2v36-37). This year, make up your mind that you will promote his Kingdom to the best life your abilities like Paul, Timothy, Barnabas, Phoebe, Aquila, Priscilla, and several other people did in the Bible.

So what are some of the ways by which you can contribute to his Kingdom?

1. Find a Place to Serve. There is always a place to serve in his House. So stop being a spectator become a participant! Get involved! Use your gifts, talents, and skills to add value to his House. Find a need in his House and fill it; by so doing you will be adding value to his Kingdom (Matt.20v26-28). So start contributing your quota today and your life won’t be the same again.

2. Be committed to his house financially. Be a generous and consistent giver. What is your financial contribution to his Kingdom? Your Giving to his Work is one of the strongest ways of showing your love for his House! True lovers of God are also Sincere Givers! So it’s time to become financially committed to his House this Year. Those who regularly give towards his house will never lack (Acts 4v34-37).

3. Be a Soul Winner. Nothing gladdens the heart of God more than soul-winning. This is his greatest Interest on the earth today. So are you a partaker of the harvest? Can God rely on you as his channel of getting across to the world? God is looking for people that will respond to this urgent call. So it’s time to become a soul-winner. It’s part of your mandate as a believer. When you make soul winning your business, God will also take you his business. Therefore, you need to make up your mind that you will win souls at all costs and at every slight opportunity this year by his grace (Jn.1v40-44; Pro.11v30).

My dear reader, it’s time to become a great investor in the Kingdom of God. I pray for you today that as you commit yourself to this mandate, God’s Help will speak massively for you in the new year.

Other Scriptural References: (Pro.14v25; 2Cor.5v18-20; Acts 2v45; 2Cor.8v1-2; Philip.4v15-16: 2v19-22; Jn.12v26; Rom.16v1-16; Jn.2v17; 2Cor.12v15).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive Grace today to become a Kingdom Promoter and Builder in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: Building God’s Kingdom is my delight and pleasure. I take delight in his house and everything that concerns his House. I am committed to serving my Lord to the best of my ability. I am committed to his house financially. I am committed to the business of winning souls. As I seek him in spirit and in truth, I will find him and my life will be a reflection of his Grace and Glory.