Micah7verse8: ‘Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.’
Do you know how to respond to or handle your life experience? Do you also know that God has designed ways of dealing successfully with our failures? Well, in case you don’t know, this is why God is bringing these teachings your way and I pray that you won’t be the same anymore in Jesus’ name amen. As I have established in our last lesson one major key to overcoming your failures is having the right kind of attitude. Yes, your attitude will determine whether you will win or lose. This is why you need to pay attention to it. By the special grace of God in today’s lesson, I will be sharing with you more insights as to the kind of attitude that you need to have towards your failure.
3. A teachable attitude. This is an important attitude that you need to have if you will profit out of your failures. This is an attitude that is willing to learn from their failures. They are not ashamed to learn from their experience of failure. Anyone with this kind of attitude easily learns, relearns, and unlearns from their experience of failure. This was the attitude that the prodigal son had, he was willing to go back home and ask for the forgiveness of his father (Luk15v17-20). A teachable attitude also comes with humility. You can never teach an arrogant person anything. So, my dear friends how teachable are you? Exo18v13-24.
4. A Confrontational Attitude. You must be willing to confront your failures if you will ever rise above them. So stop evading or avoiding your challenge, rather face them courageously. In order to conquer your failures, you must be willing to look at it in the face. Stop thinking about what others will say. Mind your business! Face Front! Face your Goliath! Face your fears and uncertainties! Face it now not tomorrow! Stand up to it. Look at your failure in the face and tell it that you will overcome it. Stop hiding or shying away from your struggles! For you can’t subdue what you refuse to confront. I challenge you today to follow the example of the Prodigal Son by confronting your fears and failures. (Luk15v17-32).I see you prevailing as you do so in Jesus’ name amen.
5. An attitude that takes your Failures to God. This is also one of the major ways of dealing with our failures and it’s the right attitude to have towards failure. So stop taking your failures personally, instead bring them to God in prayers. Seek his help, assistance, and wisdom. There are answers waiting for your discovery in his presence. So let nothing stop you from seeking God’s help. Ps34v4, 6: 118v5. God’s help is available to those who seek him with the whole of their hearts. Jer29v13. My dear friends, I want you to know that life is spiritual and whatever kind of forces may be militating against your progress, God is willing to help you in overcoming it if you will be willing to ask for his help. So why delay any further? Start calling on his name today and as you do sincerely he will turn the curse into a blessing. He will turn your failures into fulfillment. If you believe this, can I have a resounding amen?
Other Scriptural References: Matt7v7-11; 1Chro4v9-10; Jos1v6, 7, 9; Jer1v8; 2Tim1v7; Pro18v12; Jam4v6.
Prayer for Today: Lord, help me in imbibing these qualities into my life today in Jesus’ name amen.
CONFESSION: I am a child of destiny and destined for success! Therefore, I refuse to allow failure to tie me down or discourage me. As I fight against my failures with these weapons at my disposal, my victory and success is sure and certain in Jesus’ name amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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