Micah7verse8: ‘Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.’

How do you handle failure or how have you been responding to the experience of failure in your life? I can tell categorically that our response to failure is not the same. Some people respond properly while others respond poorly! I have discovered that our attitude matters a lot if we are going to profit from our experience of failure. This is why this series of teachings is coming your way. I pray that it will be of a great blessing to you as we go through it in Jesus’ name amen. By the way, what do we mean by failure?

Failure simply means The setbacks or disappointments of life. Things are not working out as well as planned or you are not meeting certain requirements or expectations. This Is what failure means generally speaking but to gain a better understanding of this subject, I want to share some other perspectives about failure with you today that I believe will help you in handling our failures better. So what is failure?

1. Failure is a situation and not a person. This is an important understanding that you must have as per failure. See failure as a situation and not you. So failure is never your name but a situation. This is why it’s wrong to call someone a failure or even call yourself one.

2. Failure is temporal and not a permanent situation. So, it means that failure is a detour and not a dead end. It is something temporal and not your final destination. Yes, you might have failed but that does not mean it’s over for you. This is an important understanding that you need to have concerning your failures if you profit from it. This was certainly the mindset of the impotent man at the pool of Bethesda (Jn5v1-9). Although he had failed 38 times and for 38 years, he never wrote himself off. He obviously saw failure as a temporal thing. This is how you ought to see your failures.

3. Failure is Part and Parcel of Success. Failure is the opposite of success and a vital part of it. Failure is success in progress. They go hand in hand. A child knows how to talk by stuttering and in the same vein a child learns how to walk by falling. In the same way, you will know success as a result of the failures you have been through. This is another important perspective that you must have concerning failure. Failure is the mother of all success. Pro24v16.

4. Failure is not the end of the road but a stepping stone towards success. Yes, my dear friends, this is how to look at failure. I know you might have failed but it’s certainly not the end of the road for you but an opportunity to begin intelligently. It is an opportunity to begin afresh. It is an opportunity to learn and grow. When you have this kind of perspective about failure, you cannot but blossom and ultimately profit from your failures in life. I pray that this will be your testimony in Jesus’ name amen.

5. Failure is part and parcel of Life. The fact that you failed does not mean you are not spiritual or intelligent, it just means that you are human. So stop being afraid of failure for it is not a big deal at all. May Jehovah give you further understanding in Jesus’ name amen. 2Tim2v7

My dear friends, this is how to look at your experience of failure, if you want to profit out of it. I pray that as you embrace these truths, your transformation will begin today in Jesus’ name.

Other Scriptural References: Eph4v23; 1Cor10v13; Luk15v17-20; Ps119v59-60.

Prayer for Today: Lord thank you for opening my eyes and understanding what failure is really all about. I give you praise in Jesus’ name amen.

CONFESSION: I receive in totality these nuggets and I also receive grace to be a doer in Jesus’ name amen. I know that by these truths I will profit out of my failures in Jesus’ name amen.