I remember an old song, not sure many people will know it. It goes thus
“God has something to say, to you. God has something to say to you, Listen, listen, pay close attention for God has something to say”.
Indeed, God has something to say to you even in this season of your life, and you’ve got to pay attention to what he’s saying or has to say to you.
The sixth point however is:
6. Pay attention to what God is saying:
God has not left us all alone by ourselves, he’s right there giving us words of assurance, if only we are listening. Many of us, we’ve allowed our experiences becloud our reasoning, but can you pause a minute and just tune to God to give you the right key out of that predicament? 1 Tim 4 vs 1″ now the Spirit speaketh expressly….”. The ‘now’ is your now, your today.
Stop struggling and allow God to show you the way out. Constantly ask him what to do, he’s too faithful to leave you halfway, what he has promised, that’s what he will do.
There is no riddle God cannot solve, he’s greater than that challenge and I know he’ll give you the master key needed to come out victoriously in Jesus name.
David in the bible never lost a battle because he was always inquiring from God how to go about every fight he had.
God has something to say to you about that challenge, but you’ve got to search out from him, Job 29 vs 16.
Be courageous enough to act on whatever instruction he gives you.
“There’s no problem too big God cannot solve it
There’s no mountain too tall, he cannot move it
There’s no storm too dark, God cannot calm it
There’s no sorrow too deep, he cannot soothe it.
If he carried the weight of the world upon his shoulders, I know my brother/ sister that he will carry you”.
You’re victorious in Jesus name.

Pastor Ronke Adeoti is the initiator of the Quintessential Concept. Part of the vision of the Organization is poised to promoting Godly dressing while still been trendy in your looks; through an annual fashion show tagged “Looking good and Godly”.
Pastor Ronke Adeoti is a passionate lover of God, she’s the author of “the fathers’ blessing” a book that has blessed countless people. She has served in various capacities in the ministry,
She is happily married to Pastor Opeyemi Adeoti, a Civil Engineer turned preacher. They both Pastor Dare to Dream Christian Centre, a thriving church equipping people to excel in life and fulfill their destinies. Their marriage is blessed with three great generations; Kimberly, Kendrick, and Kellyanne.
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