2Cor.2v11: Lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.
Dearly beloved, it’s important for you to know how Satan operates if you really want to have the upper hand in the attacks of the enemy. This is why God wants you to have insights and understanding as to how Satan fights you. One of the advantages of knowing this is that it enables you to defeat Satan properly. This is why you need to pay attention and also listen to what the Lord has to say to you today. So, what kind of tools or devices does Satan use against us as a believer?
- Deception. This is one of Satan’s major weapon against the believer and the world at large. It’s a weapon that you need to understand fully if you will walk in victory over Satan. It’s time to be aware of the deceptions of Satan. Deception does not only mean to lie, lead away from the truth but to also twist the truth. This is what Satan knows how to do and you need to be vigilant in order not to fall victim. It was this same old strategy that he used for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Therefore, you need to be alert to this strategy of his, lest you fall (Gen.3v1-6). I want you to know that lying is Satan’s mother tongue and natural habitat, so never give in to his deception. I know many have believed his lies in times past but the order is changing for the better for you from today in Jesus name, amen.
So how does Satan manifest his deception? He does this by the following means:
- By misrepresenting the truth or twisting the truth. This is what he did in the Garden of Eden and sadly what he is doing today. So child of God, don’t give in to his lies (Matt.4v5-7).
- By hypocrisy or pretense. This is trying to be something you are not or hiding behind a mask. This is what Satan loves to do and you need to be aware of his schemes as a believer (Rom.12v9).
- By false accusation. This is saying what is not true and this properly fits his role as the false accuser of the brethren (Rev.12v10).
- By seduction or enticement. This is when someone is easily drawn away by lust or other inordinate affection or desires. It’s like how Eve was drawn away by the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Gen.3v6).
- By misleading others. In other words, to cause someone to err. To err means to roam from safety, truth, or virtue. To go astray, wander, or be out of the way (Jam.1v16). One of the best examples of this is people who are misled by false or strange doctrines. Precious child of God, you need to have discernment in place and at work if you will overcome the lies of Satan. So, shine your eyes as they say in this part of the world. The antidote to deception is the truth, which is the word of God. You need to make this your refuge and anchor in the battles of life. Doing this will guarantee your victory and conquest in Jesus name, amen. Start saying no to all the lies of Satan from today!
Other Scriptural References: (Job 32v21-22; 1Jn.2v16; Matt.5v8-9; Jam.1v14-16; Jn.8v44: 10v10; Rev.12v9-10: 20v3; 1Jn.4v1; Matt.24v4, 11; Gen.39v7-20.
Prayer for Today: In the name of Jesus, I refuse to give in to all the lies of Satan against me and my destiny.
CONFESSION: I am victorious over all the lies of Satan. I choose to believe God’s word concerning me and my situation. I exalt the truth above all his lies. I say no to Satan’s deception. I rise up in victory and power over all his deception and lies. My victory and dominion is permanent. Therefore, I shall not be moved nor put to shame in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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