Pro.23v18: For surely there is a hereafter, and your hope will not be cut off.
We all have expectations concerning our desires, dreams, or life generally speaking, but how many people hold onto their expectations to the end? This is why this message is coming your way today. It’s not just enough to have expectations but you need to know how to hold onto your expectations. I know a lot of things will try to make you give up on your expectations but you need to know how to fight for your expectations. It is clear from (Prov. 2 3 v 18) that there is a promise of a glorious future, posterity, or reward ahead of you, and God is also committed to your expectations. This is why you need to know how to hold onto your expectations (Heb. 10 v 35).
The word expectation means hope, something yearned for and anticipated eagerly. Something for which one waits or longs for. So what are your expectations concerning the year, his promises to you, your goals, aspirations, dreams, and visions? Whatever it may be, God is able to bring them to pass if you are willing to play your own part too.
However, before I share with you how to hold unto your expectations, I’ll like to share with you some reasons why you shouldn’t give up on your expectations.
- Because there is hope in your waiting. What does this mean? It means that your waiting is not in vain. There is a reward in your waiting. In fact, the scriptures make us know that there are blessings for those who know how to wait (Isa.30v18). Waiting time can often be challenging or discouraging but there is a great reward for those who wait. So whatever you may be trusting God for, learn to wait for it, for it will surely come to pass if you don’t give up (Lk.21v19).
- Because you are closer to your expectation than when you first began. So don’t give up yet or throw in the towel because something is about to happen. You need to also remember that it’s those who endure to the end that would be saved. My dear reader, the darkest night is usually before the light. So don’t give up now. You can draw inspiration from the testimony of father Abraham in (Rom.4v17-21). He never gave up his expectation because he knew he was closer than when he started believing in God. So you, too, should not give up or quit yet.
- Because God is working behind the scenes. Yes, my dearly beloved ones, God is working behind the scenes; although you may not see or feel it He is surely working. He is never sleeping or idle, for he is working things out for your good. So it’s time for you to rest in this assurance. Glory be to his name, for God is sorting things out in your favor and you will not be put to shame or ridicule. Get ready for your testimony will be like that of Joseph and Daniel of the Old Testament, that all things worked together for their good. If you believe this, say a big amen to this effect (Rom.8v28).
Other Scriptural References: (Rom.14v5; Dan.3v16-30; Isa.49v23; Job 14v14; Heb.3v14: 10v23; Rom.15v13; Pro.10v28; Ps.27v14).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I receive the wisdom and courage to rest in you that all things are working together for the good of my expectations in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: My expectations concerning my dreams, goals, aspirations, and desires shall not be cut off. I will wait for the physical manifestation of God’s promise to me. I will not resign myself to fate or the circumstances of life. My waiting will result in something good and better. I will not wait in vain, neither will I be put to shame in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
My expectations shall not be cut short as I wait on HIM, I receive the Grace to patiently wait on HIM till my dreams and goals see the light of the day. Thank You LORD for this great assurance.
Thank you Father for being our hope. Thank you for You are not a man that should lie. Blessed be Your name Lord for I will hold on to your word of promises for my life.