1Thessalonians5verse18 ‘In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus Concerning you.’
You are welcome back to our discussion on Gratitude as a Lifestyle. It’s possible for gratitude to become our second nature. It’s possible for gratitude to become part and parcel of our lives. This is what we have been considering in this series and I do believe that you have been blessed by the things we have shared so far. My goal in today’s lesson is to further share with you more Insights on how to make gratitude your lifestyle. I believe that you are ready for this! So without much ado, let’s examine these truths right away!
3. By being thankful for what you have. Are you grateful for the things that you have or are you full of complaints about what you have? If you have not been grateful for what you have, it’s time to have a change of mind. You increase your capacity for gratitude by being thankful for what you have. Phile1v6. I have discovered that some people are unhappy because they are focused on what they don’t have instead of what they have. My counsel to you today is to change the order today! Start focusing on what you have instead of the things you don’t have. The truth of the matter is that you have a lot of good things to be grateful for. The reason why you have not realized this is because of not counting your blessings. So dear friend, don’t allow anything or anyone to hinder you from counting your blessings. And just in case you are wondering, what are the things that I have in my life right now that you can be grateful for? You can be grateful for the following:
-Life and your Health.
-Your Job and Business.
-Your House or Accommodation.
-Good water and the Air you breathe in.
-Friends and Family.
-Prospects and Opportunities.
-Education and Exposure.
-Your Spouse and Children.
-Freedom of Speech, Association and Religion.
-Your Skills, Abilities and Talents.
-The Word of God and the Holy Spirit.
-Laughter and Sunshine.
-Your eyes, ears, nose, mouth and feeling.
These and several other things are just some of the things you can be grateful for. So can you think of some other things you can be grateful for?
4. By regularly practicing the habit of gratitude. You cannot become an expert in something you don’t do regularly. Practice makes you better and you become like you practice. This is an important principle that you need to understand if you will succeed in embracing the culture of gratitude. So what have you been practicing? If you have been practicing complaining, you will become an expert in complaining. So why don’t you start practising gratitude? This will change your life forever. Practising is the only way you can make your desired skill your best friend. So my dear brothers and sisters, how should I practise gratitude for it to be my lifestyle?
-Practice the habit of gratitude deliberately. Do it on purpose and internationally.Ps69v30
-Practice the habit of gratitude randomly.
-Practice the habit of gratitude until it becomes an automatic thing. Ps104v33
-Practice the habit of gratitude respectively without breaks.
My dear reader, are you ready to imbibe the culture of gratitude? If your answer is a definite yes, may today usher you into a new season of victory in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: Ps145v1-2; 119v164: Matt 14v19; 25v24-25: 2Ki4v2
Prayer for Today: I embrace these truths with all my heart, therefore, things will not remain the same again in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Glory be to Jesus! There is always something to be grateful for. Therefore open my eyes to see the opportunities and miracles you have placed around my life! As I endeavor to make gratitude a part of my life, my life and conduct are changing for the better in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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