John 8verse32,36 ‘v32 and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free v36 If the Son therefore make you free, ye shall be free indeed.
Precious Child of God, you need to stand against every form of limitation in your life because it’s your heavenly father’s desire to be free. He does not just want you free but also completely free. This is what I have been sharing with you in this series of lessons, I believe that you are coming into your liberty in Christ. Glory be to God! Nothing will gladden the heart of your father more than this, so make up your mind that you won’t settle for anything lesser than this. So how does God want to bring you into the realm of being completely free? How can someone be free from every limitation? You can achieve this by:
1. Rebelling against any form of limitation and crying out to God for his help. God is ever willing and ready to rescue his own, so what is holding you back? Take your stand today against any form of limitation in your life! Let those limits know that you are not going to put up with them anymore! Start calling upon God now! Don’t stop calling him until he comes through for you! Persevere until your breakthrough is here! 1Chro4v9-10.
2. Speaking in line with the Word of God. Your mouth is your weapon of deliverance. The problem is that many of us have failed to realize the kind of power that lies in our mouths. This is why you need to learn how to make your mouth work for you. Hos14v2. So if you are interested in overcoming the limits in your life, begin to declare and confess your liberty in line with the word of God. The word of God speaks your deliverance and wholeness. The word of God is not only powerful but also full of power. The word is actually power (Heb1v3;4v12). So dear friends, let’s speak the word. Start declaring what the word says about your deliverance. As you begin to do this, God’s power will begin to work in your life and also bring you to a place of liberty. Matt12v37
As you begin to declare God’s word over your life, I want to remember the following principles:
-What you say consistently is what you will become.
-What you say consistently is what you will get. Pro18v20-21
-What you say consistently is what will come to pass. Mk11v23
Keep speaking the word. Limits will crumble as you speak the Word with your mouth because there is power in speaking God’s word!
I see you entering into a new season of freedom as you do this in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: Pro12v6,13: Jb22v28: Matt18v18: Heb3v6,14: Ps34v6,17: Jam4v7
Prayer for Today: By faith, I enter into the fullness of my liberty in Christ in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I say no to every form of bondage in my life! I refuse to put up with any form of limitation because complete freedom is available for me in Christ Jesus! And today I take my liberty by faith in his Wonder Working Word in Jesus name, amen!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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