2Corinthians13verse14 ‘The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.’
As believers, fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit ought to be part and parcel of our lives. Many are familiar with the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and also the love of our Heavenly Father but not many people know about fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit. And as you can see from our text scripture (2Corinthians13verse14), God wants you to be familiar with the fellowship of the Spirit.
In order to understand what fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit means, we need to understand the Word communion or fellowship as we see it in 2corinthians13verse14.
The word communion here in Greek means “Koinonia,” which means the following:
-Partnership, participation or Joint participation, intercourse, communication, contribution, intimacy, association, community, or sharing.
Basically, it means to share in common or to have in common or share.
So fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit is sharing our lives in common with God. It is opening up our lives to him, including our thoughts, motives, feelings, attitudes, decisions and every other area of our lives. Philip2v1. So, my dear brothers and sisters, how strong is your intimacy and connection with the Holy Spirit? You need to remember that the Spirit of God has been assigned to us as our comforter (Jn14v16, 26:16v12-15). So therefore, if we are really going to enjoy this ministry of the Holy Spirit, then we need to take our fellowship seriously. So, how do we fellowship with the Spirit of God? You can fellowship with him via the following means:
1. By being sensitive to his leading and promptings. Anytime you follow the leading of the Spirit, you are strengthening your fellowship with him. So make sure you don’t ignore or disobey His leading.Ps46v10; Rom8v14.
2. By talking with him regularly. The Spirit is the third person of the Trinity and a Divine Personality. He is a Person and not a Thing or It. So endeavour to talk with him often because he is with you as your Guide and Teacher. Matt28v20; Jn14v16-18. Infact, the Spirit of God is in you, on you, with you and also for you! What a dimension of relationship that he has with you. So endeavour to maximize these dimensions fully.
3. By reading and meditating on the scriptures. The Bible is divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit, so when you fellowship with his Word, you are invariably fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit.2Pet1v20-21:1Tim3v16-17. So, my dear reader, never allow the opportunity of fellowshipping with the holy Spirit via his Word to elude you from today! As you do this, you will notice a stronger connection with the Holy Spirit in your life.
4. Through your prayers. This is another important way of fellowshipping with the Spirit of God that you need to maximize fully if you will succeed in communing with him.Jud1v20.
My dearly beloved ones, these are some ways you can enjoy a rich and wonderful life of communion with the Holy Spirit. Are you ready to take your place and live in the power and blessings of this wonderful communion?
Other Scriptural References: 1Cor14v2, 13-14; Eph4v30; 1Thess5v19; Acts7v51; Col1v8
Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit help me to live a life of fellowshipping with you all my days in Jesus name amen.
CONFESSION: I fully embrace the wonderful life of communing with the Holy Spirit! I chose to cultivate this dimension of life with the Holy Spirit. This is my desire and prayer! And I receive grace to walk this out in my day to day experience in Jesus name amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.