1Cor.9v16: For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!

Dearly beloved, it is very clear and obvious from our text scripture and other relevant scriptures that the lifestyle of evangelism ought to be the way we should live. If Apostle Paul could live like this, then it is a testament that you can live like that. Evangelism or Soul Winning should leave the room or something that we do because we are told to do it, to becoming something that we take delight in. This is the primary goal and target of the series of teachings and I trust that this will be accomplished in your life in the name of Jesus Christ. So far, I have shared with you three powerful principles that can enable you to imbibe the culture of Winning Souls. Today, by God’s special grace, we will go a step further by looking at two other essential principles that will help you in this regard. Are you ready for this? Off we go.

How to Make Evangelism your Lifestyle?

4. Prioritize Soul Winning (1Cor.6v12). What do I mean by this? Soul-winning should be your utmost or number one priority on your scale of preference. When it becomes your priority, it will be in your plans, agenda and schedule for the day. No matter what you do, whether as a student, worker, businessman or businesswoman, I want you to know that once you make soul-winning a major priority of your life, it becomes easier to fulfil the obligation of winning Souls. The problem most of the time is that we have not made soul winning a priority; that is why we often struggle with winning souls. It is time for you to major and minor on minor so that you can be very effective in what you do. Whatever you prioritise, you will have time for. For instance, if you prioritise walking or exercising, you will have time for exercising and walking. In the same vein, when you make soul winning your priority, it will be easier for you to create the time and the place for winning Souls. I believe you can apply this principle to soul-winning too. So what are you waiting for? It is time to major on major; it is time for you to focus on soul-winning to become effective at it. Apostle Paul was very successful in winning Souls because he saw winning souls as a necessity and not an option (1Cor.9v16). It is time for you to engage this same principle also. You will never be put to shame in Jesus name, amen.

5. Use every available means, avenue and legitimate method in reaching people. The truth of the matter is that there are different kinds of methods of reaching people for Christ. The reason this is so is that principles never change, but methods keep changing. So the key principle is about reaching people for Christ. We have to be open or adaptable to several options or means of reaching the same people. It is just like the concept of fishing; there are natural and artificial means of fishing. What this simply means is that, at times, people use a natural or artificial bait to catch fish. This is because, essentially speaking, you need different kinds of bait to catch different kinds of fish. The same bait does not catch all kinds of fish, and do not forget that we have received a mandate from Jesus Christ that we ought to be fishers of men according to Matthew 4 verse 19.

Over the years, men have developed some effective means of reaching people for Christ. Some of which are as follows:
a. The friendship platform. You can see this in operation in the life of Andrew. He brought his brother Peter to the Lord Jesus Christ (Jn.1v41-42, 44-45).
b. The benevolence or welfare platform. People often respond to the gospel when we seek to minister to their personal needs. That was what Dorcas excelled in doing in (Acts 9:36-41). This can also be an avenue of reaching people for Christ.
c. The character platform (Acts 11v24). This has to do with our lives being a source of conviction or influence on others around us. In this way, your character can communicate the gospel’s message that it brings such conviction to those around you. However, there are other means of reaching people for Christ, such as music concerts, crusades, church invite, etc. The most important thing is for us to be open and receptive to whatever method God is laying on our hearts. Variety is the Spice of Life, so let’s be willing to explore all avenues of reaching people for the Lord Jesus. By so doing, God’s name will ultimately be glorified.

My dear reader, I believe you can see from the things we have shared so far that you can make soul winning a part of your life and operations! May today usher you into such an experience in Jesus name, amen.

Other Scriptural References: (Jn.5v17: 4v34-36; 2Tim.4v5; 1Cor.9v17-23; 2Cor.5v18; Pro.14v25).

Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me to inculcate into my life and operations these principles you have opened my eyes to in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSIO.N: I chose to major in soul-winning from today. I make it my priority and focus! It becomes a primary thing and not a secondary issue in my life! Lord, I am also open to other legitimate methods and means of reaching people for you. I am willing to change and to be a tool and instrument in your hands. Use me for Your glory and praise! Send me, Lord, I am available! I receive grace and courage to carry out God’s mandate & I will not be put to shame in Jesus name, amen