Romans 8verse14 ’For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are sons of God.’
I bless God for bringing this series of teachings your way because I know it can potentially change your life for the better. As you give yourself to these truths, I believe that your ability to hear God will be taken to another level. In our last lesson, I started sharing with you some of the qualities that you need to have if you are going to be led by God. I shared three of those qualities with you, and today, by his grace, I will be sharing three additional qualities with you. So if you are ready, here we go!
4. You need to be inquisitive. To be inquisitive means to be the kind of person who seeks, inquires, or searches out what God has to say. This was the kind of quality that David had, no wonder he was able to hear God from time to time. 2Sam5v19,23. My dear reader, are you the person seeking to know his will? If you are, you are putting yourself in a good position to hear God. Eph5v17. So, my dear brothers and sisters, it’s time to put on this quality to hear God
5. You need to be humble in heart. To be humble in heart means to be meek or lowly of mind. It simply means you are not proud, arrogant, or haughty of heart. It can also mean that you depend on and rely on God. Ps25v9: Jam4v6,10. Those who see themselves as not knowing anything yet like they ought to know. My dear reader, it’s time for you to walk with this kind of disposition to make hearing from God easy.
6. Those who fear the Lord. Ps25v12-14. To fear God here means to honor and respect God. It also means to value and keep his commandments. Those who also keep his commandments love his word. I have discovered that God is favorably disposed to reveal himself to those who fear him. So my dear reader, do you have regard or reference for his word? When you are like this, you will put yourself in a strong position to discern his voice. I pray that this will be your lot and portion from henceforth in Jesus’ name, amen. If you are receiving this, say a Big AMEN.
Other Scriptural References: Ps112v1: Pro9v10: 1Cor3v18: 1Pet5v5-6: 2Chro26v5: Col1v9: Acts10v9-10;22v17,21: Ps25v4-5
Prayer for Today: Glory be to God, thank you for putting me in a good position to hear from you!
CONFESSION: I move from the realm of not hearing from God to hearing from God because I am a doer of his word and not just a hearer of his word. Thank you, Father, for putting into my hands the tools for hearing from You!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.