1 Chro. 12 v 22: “For at that time they came to David day by day to help him, until it was a great army, like the army of God”.
You are welcome back to our discussion on ‘Destiny Helpers’ and I believe you have been blessed by the things I have shared with you so far. The focus of our discussion today will be on how to benefit from the ministry of destiny helpers. If you are going to enjoy the assistance of destiny helpers, you need to know how to position yourself for such kinds of encounter. In what ways can I attract destiny helpers into my life and work?
How to attract destiny helpers?
- By doing the things that please God. Are you a God pleaser or a man-pleaser? It’s not everything that we do that pleases God and you need to make sure that you do the things that make God happy. If God is happy with you, it will be easier to find favour with God (Pro.16v7). So how can someone please God?
– By doing His will for your life. Those who follow God’s will or plan for their lives will find favour before God and man. Are you following God’s will or the will of man? (Eph.5v17)
– By keeping God’s commandments and His word. Those who honour God’s word in their lives will attract God’s favour into their lives. One of the best things you can do for yourself is to keep God’s word because this brings greater joy and glory to your heavenly Father. To what extent are you honouring God’s word in your life? - By sowing seeds of goodness and kindness. What kind of person are you? Do you take pleasure in helping others or are you hoarding help from others? It’s important to know that you will ultimately reap that you sow. If you help others, others will help you too and if you have not helped anyone, help will be far from you too. For example, Jonathan helped David; no wonder David was willing to help Mephibosheth (i.e. the son of Jonathan). Ruth was a blessing to Naomi in her hour of need; no wonder Naomi was willing to help her settle down maritally. Who are you helping? Who is getting better because of you? (Ruth 3v1-11). Dear friends, it’s never too late to be a blessing unto others and when you do good, do it with good intentions and motives. It is God who will bring your harvest to you, not men. So, look up to him always and you will never be put to shame.
Dear friends, I see you profiting from the ministry of destiny helpers from today in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Acts 9 v 36-41; Gal. 6 v 7, 9; 1 Jn. 3 v 22; Jn. 14 v 15, 21; 1 Sam. 15 v 22-23; Matt. 3 v 17; 2 Sam. 9 v 1-5).
Prayer for Today: Father God, thank you for helping me to position myself for my destiny helpers and because I am well positioned, I will not be put to shame in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Heavenly Father, I thank you for blessing me with the right kind of people. I thank you for sending my way the people that will take me to my destiny. Thank you for sending my way people that would make me better than I am now. My life and work are greatly enriched by meaningful and positive relationships. Thank you Father because I will not miss those people you have sent to me. My sources of help are being multiplied. I am getting better and stronger. I am accomplishing my goals and dreams because I benefit greatly from the ministry of destiny helpers in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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