1 Chro. 12 v 22: “For at that time they came to David day by day to help him, until it was a great army, like the army of God”.
I am super excited about this series of teachings on destiny helpers and I hope that you have been blessed since we started this series. One thing is certain; you need destiny helpers in the journey of life and I declare from today that your life will not lack these God-sent kinds of people in Jesus name. Our focus has been on the attributes of destiny helpers and this is crucial because you can’t take advantage of what you don’t know. To enjoy the ministry of destiny helpers, you need to know who they really are. Today, I will be sharing two more attributes of this peculiar set of people.
Who are destiny helpers?
11. They are people who genuinely care for you and your dream. Destiny helpers genuinely care about your dreams, visions, welfare and well-being. Their love is genuine and real. They are not hypocritical or deceitful with their love for you. A classic example of this was Jonathan the friend of David. His love and admiration for David was pure and sincere. This accounts for why he protected and shielded David from the schemes of his father (King Saul). His love was real. He was not pretending or acting up (1Sam.18v1-4). Your dreams and vision needs such kind of people and my prayer for you is that Jehovah will send them to you in Jesus name, amen. Men who are genuinely interested in you and not what you have are who I see you attracting henceforth!
12. They are people who are willing to cover your nakedness or shame. Yes, this is who a true destiny helper is. There is no perfect man, team, or organization. Human beings are generally characterized by infirmities, lapses, or imperfections. This is why God often sends destiny helpers our way so that when you are weak, you will receive support or strength in those areas. This was why Ruth was sent to Naomi i.e. to cover her nakedness, shame and emptiness. This was also why Mordecai was sent to Esther; he covered up the vacuum in the life of Esther. My dear reader, I perceive also that Jehovah will send your way men and women who will cover your nakedness in Jesus name. If you believe this, say, “I receive it” (Ruth 1v18-22: 4v14-15). Your life will not lack the ministry of destiny helpers!
Other Scriptural References: (Rom. 12 v 9; 2 Cor. 12 v 15; Matt. 27 v 57-60; Philip. 4 v 10, 14-16).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I fully embrace the ministry and blessings of destiny helpers. I declare in Jesus name that I will never be without my helpers of destiny.
CONFESSION: I declare that I enjoy the ministry of destiny helpers in my life, work, and business of living. My vision and dreams are receiving the attention and assistance of destiny helpers. Help comes unto me from places and people I least expect or imagine. I am surrounded by the right kind of people. Therefore, I do what is right and I act rightly. I do not lack the information, resources, and counsel that I need to succeed in life for I am surrounded by destiny helpers. My life and results are getting better because I do not lack the help that I need per time. Glory be to God for I am a living witness of the power of destiny helpers. All praise to my King.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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