1 Chro. 12 v 22: “For at that time they came to David day by day to help him, until it was a great army, like the army of God”.
Dear friends, the ministry of destiny helpers is important in your life if you will ever accomplish your purpose or destiny. You can’t afford to be a lone ranger; you need the right kind of people in your life. This is what made David successful as we have seen in (1Chro.12v22). You too will accomplish much when the helpers of destiny are at work in your life. How can someone then recognize these destiny helpers? Who are they? This has been the focus of our discussion for some time and today by His grace, I will be sharing 2 more qualities of this kind of people. Here we go!
5. They are people that know how to get you to where you are going. They know how to get to your destination. In fact, in most cases, they have been to where you are trying to go; hence, the reason they can get you there. They seem to know what you don’t know and see what you don’t see. This kind of people make the journey towards destiny smoother and easier. They are the Mordeccais, Pauls and Elijahs of the world. May your vision and dreams never lack such kind of people. Wherever you want to go in life, there are people who can get you there. May you never be without helpers in Jesus name, amen (Ruth 3v1-11).
6. They are Burden Bearers. They are sent by God to help you carry the burden you are trying to carry. They help in carrying the burden of leadership and the burdens associated with your dreams and visions for your business, career, or endeavors. They relieve you of certain responsibilities and duties that you don’t have to bother yourself with. These kinds of people are a great asset to any team, organization, or person. You need such kind of people too in order to make greater progress in life. May you never carry the burden that others are meant to carry for you. May your work never lack faithful burden bearers in Jesus name, amen. If you believe this, kindly say a big amen to this prayer (2Sam.21v15-17).
Other Scriptural References: (Gal. 6 v 2; 2 Tim. 1 v 15-18; Rom. 16 v 1-4, 6, 21).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I thank you for never allowing me to be without help and assistance. Thank you for sending the right kind of people into my life.
CONFESSION: Father God, I thank you for blessing me with goal-getters and dream-makers. Henceforth, I do not walk in the dark as to how to get to my expected destination. I have wisdom and insight on how to make my dreams come true. I do not suffer from the abortion of dreams neither will I labor with nothing to show for it. My season of fruitless labor is over. I am no longer overworked and stressed out because of the responsibilities of my dreams and visions for I am blessed with faithful destiny helpers in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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