Pro. 14 v 1: “The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands.”
You are welcome back to our discussion on “Building Stronger Marriages.” This is God’s will for every marriage and this can also become your experience if you are willing to build with the right materials. A stronger family does not happen by accident but as a result of operating certain principles. We shall be considering 12 essential materials that are needed in building a stronger marriage and our focus today will be on the second material.
Materials for building stronger marriages:
2. Developing your capacity to forgive and let go. Stronger marriages are usually between two forgivers and your ability to forgive and let go is a great sign of maturity. As husbands and wives, there are bound to be conflicts or misunderstandings but you need to choose to be a forgiver if you want to enjoy marital bliss and joy (Eph.4v26-27, 31-32). Forgiveness is divine and powerful; therefore chose to be a forgiver. Resolve today that you are going to walk in love towards your spouse!
At times, the pathway of forgiveness is not easy but it’s pays off at the end of day! How can you develop your capacity to forgive one each other? You can do this by:
- Not keeping records of the wrong-doings of your spouse (Col.3v13-14).
- Being a peacemaker and not a troublemaker (Matt.5v9)
- Not being vindictive, judgemental, or critical of your spouse (Matt.7v1)
- Accepting responsibility. Don’t play the blame game (Lk.14v18).
- Praying for your spouse or the person who hurt you (Matt.5v44).
- Not allowing the sun to go down on your wrath (Eph.4v26).
- Not being too big to apologize (Pro.15v1).
My dear reader, I believe that this wisdom and insight can help you to develop your capacity to forgive if you are willing to commit to it. Your marriage can work and also devoid of rancor and bitterness if you chose to be a forgiver. I pray that your home will experience his divine touch in this area of your life in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Lk. 17 v 1; Matt. 6 v 14-15; Rom. 12 v 18: 14 v 19; Eph. 5 v 1-2; 1 Pet. 3 v 7; Jam. 3 v 16).
Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, I chose the pathway of forgiveness over malice and bitterness. I chose to be a forgiver in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I let go of every form of bitterness, hatred, anger, and envy. I chose to walk in love and not in bitterness. I embrace forgiveness. Therefore, I forgive myself and those who I might have offended. I chose to forgive my spouse. I let go and I refuse to hold to the past! I refuse to dwell or live in the past. I embrace God’s mercies and grace. I let go of every baggage of malice and bitterness. I choose to walk in love with my spouse. This is my solemn vow and prayer in Jesus name, amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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