1 Thessalonians 5verse18 ‘In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.’
Is it possible to be grateful in all circumstances of life? The answer is a definite Yes! Otherwise, God would not have told us to be thankful for all things.God is not an unrighteous father. He won’t ask you to do what you can’t do. If God says so, then it means that you can do so and that the possibility is available. Eph5v20. No matter the circumstances of life that you may be, be thankful. Thankfulness is a choice and should be your way of responding to the situations of life. So my dear reader, no matter what happens, be thankful.
So why should you be thankful in every circumstance of life?
1. Because gratitude is better than murmuring or complaining. No matter how you look at it being thankful is far better than complaining or murmuring. Matt6v27. So stop complaining and start being thankful.
2. Because no condition in permanent. Everything that you can see can change for the better. This is why you should not make permanent decisions based on temporary ones. 2Cor4v18. Whatever situation you may be in today is subject to change. So give God thanks even in that situation.
3. Because when you are thankful, you’re giving God something positive to work with. God needs something to work with in order for him to be glorified in your life. Gratitude is the raw material with which God sought miracles in your life. So make sure you are always thankful so as to experience the miraculous.
Other Scriptural References: Lk17v15-1619: Pro17v22: Heb13v15
Prayer for Today: Father, cloth me with the spirit of gratitude all the days of my life.
CONFESSION: Glory be to God, for I choose to be thankful regardless of my circumstances. Gratitude is my choice and response to life’s challenges; as I thank him in this manner, my joy will know no bounds! Halleluyah!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.