Ps. 68 v 35: O God, you are more awesome than your holy places. The God of Israel is He who gives strength and power to His people. Blessed be God!

You are welcome back to our discussion on the platforms for empowerment. In our last lesson, I established the concept of empowerment and why God wants to empower you. However, my focus in this lesson today will be on some of the avenues through which you can access God’s empowerment in your life. Since he is the God of empowerment, he surely has in place the means for your empowerment and this is what I intend to begin to share with you from today. So if you are ready, let’s begin to examine these platforms!


  1. Wisdom Platform. Wisdom is one of God’s major ways of empowering you for life. So you need to get his Wisdom. In fact, the wiser you become, the more empowered you also become because wisdom empowers. It empowered the likes of David, Joseph, Solomon, and Daniel of the Old Testament. He is still the same God, and what wisdom did for them then, it will do the same for you and much more today. So you need to embrace God’s Wisdom because it’s a major tool for your advancement and progress in life. To see what I mean, check out the Passion Translation of Proverbs 21v22 below:

“A warrior filled with Wisdom ascends into the high place and releases regional breakthrough, bringing down the strongholds of the mighty”.

This will become your lot and experience too as you begin to know what to do and where to go in the business of life in Jesus’ name, amen (1Ki.2v9)

  • Knowledge Platform. Knowledge involves facts, information, and skills acquired through experience and education. Empowerment also comes via knowledge, so you need to seek after knowledge. The more knowledgeable you are, the more your chances of being empowered because knowledge truly empowers! (Pro.24v5). So, my dear reader, it would be best if you expanded your knowledge bank. Become an avid reader! Get the right kind of information. As you do this, you will discover that more opportunities will come your way. So refuse to limit yourself. Don’t allow the environment or people to limit what you can do. As you expand your knowledge bank, I see you rise to new strength and power levels in Jesus name, amen. So let nothing stop you from henceforth. As you seek his knowledge, I see a new you on the horizon.

Other Scriptural References: (Dan.12v3; Hos.4v6: 6v3; Pro.14v24; Dan.1v17; 1Ki.4v29-36: 10v24; Gen.41v37-39).

Prayer for Today: Heavenly Father, thank you for opening my eyes of understanding to the platforms for empowerment. As I begin to access these avenues, my life and results take on a new dimension in Jesus’ name, amen.

CONFESSION: I access God’s empowerment from today via his Wisdom and Knowledge. As I gain wisdom and knowledge, I am also growing in his empowerment. His empowerment is my heritage and portion. As I walk in this empowerment, impossibilities are turning into possibilities for me, and difficult things are made easy for me. Glory be to God, for I am a partaker of the benefits of his empowerment in my life. I thank you, Father, for my life can never remain the same again.