Acts 16v25-26: At midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners listened to them. Suddenly, there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed.

There are several pathways to the miraculous and one of such platform is through your praise. Praise is one of the avenues to the Miraculous because it provokes the God of Miracles to work. Praise creates an atmosphere for God to work Miracles. This is what happened in (Acts 16v25-26). Through their praises to God in their time of trouble, Paul and Silas brought the miracle-working power of God to the scene. You, too, can praise your way to Miracles. For God is committed to his word because what he did for Paul and Silas, he can do for anyone who wholeheartedly praises the Lord. So are you ready to praise your way to Miracles today? God can work a miracle in your life or circumstance if you are willing to praise him. I know this may sound foolish but you cannot deny the evidence of miracles being wrought when his people praised him from their hearts. You can see examples of such in (2Chro.20v20, 22-26; Jn.6v5-13). So how can your praise provoke Miracles? Your praise can provoke miracles:

  1. When you praise God regardless of how you feel. If Paul and Silas were conscious of how they were feeling in (Acts 16v25-26), they would not have praised God. Instead, they ignored their pains and discomfort, praising God in the process, thereby provoking his Miracles. As you begin to praise God regardless of your feelings, miracles will be the order of the day for you.
  2. When you praise God regardless of the circumstances or situations of life. The situation Paul and Silas found themselves in (Acts 16v25-26) was not palatable but they praised God notwithstanding, no wonder they experienced the God of Miracles. You, too, can see the God of Miracles at work in your life today if you are willing to praise God despite your circumstances (Heb.3v17-19).
  3. When you praise God by faith. Praising God by faith is not easy but it does provoke the wonders of God. To praise God by faith means to praise God as if your desires have been executed or met. It takes guts to do this, and I strongly believe you too can demonstrate this kind of praise for you are a child of faith. So what are you waiting for then? Begin to praise God as if you have the answer, and indeed if you truly understand faith, you truly have the answer i.e. in the spirit realm, it’s just awaiting your physical manifestation. So whatever you are trusting God for in your life, start praising him as if it’s done. My dear reader, I guarantee you that your expectations won’t be cut off if you faint not. So keep on praising him! (Rom.4v20).

Other Scriptural References: (1Thess.5v18; Ps.146v1-2; 2Cor.5v7; 2Sam.6v13-14; Lk.17v11-19; Jn.11v39-45).

Prayer for Today: Lord, I believe in your miracle-working power. Please help my unbelief in Jesus’ name, amen.

CONFESSION: My praise is my weapon of victory over the challenges of life. My praise put me over and not beneath in life. I am a winner because I am a praiser of Jehovah. As I praise my King in spirit and in truth, miracles are provoked on my behalf. I am his miracle child; therefore, I walk in the realm of miracles, for my praise is creating an atmosphere of miracles all around me—Hallelujah to my King.