Matthew 12verse37: ‘For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.’
You have to be deliberate about your words if you want to accomplish your destiny. This is why you need to pay attention to the kind of words that you speak. As you can see from our text scripture (Matthew 12verse37) your words can either justify or condemn you. This is why speaking the right kind of words is very important. And from our last lesson, I shared with you how to use your words if you want it to work for you. Today by his grace, we will continue to look at some of the kinds of words that you should speak. So here we go!
b. Speak to your situation and not about your situation. This is a powerful principle that you need to understand if your words will work for you. Many people are just speaking about their challenges or problems instead of speaking to their challenges about their God. I want you to know that your challenges can hear you because everything has ears to ear. So what have you been saying? It’s time for a turnaround. It’s time to start speaking to your mountain and not about your mountain. And guess what? When you start doing this, you will see how God will come through for you. Mk11v23. So my dear friends, what are you waiting for? It’s time to put this to the test. I see you winning big in the name of Jesus amen.
c. Speak positively and not negatively. Our world is full of negativity and fears, this is why you need to be deliberate about what you say. Don’t join the majority of people speaking negatively. Be different by speaking positively. Pro14v19. Speaking positively is actually speaking in line with God’s word and will. It is speaking like God speaks! I know that you have to retrain your mouth in doing this but it’s an exercise that is worth doing! So my dear friends, when are you going to start retraining your mouth? I believe that you will start today and not tomorrow. Start today by laying hold of the power of your words. Pro18v20-21; Ps141v3.
May the Holy Spirit fortify you with strength along this line in Jesus name amen.
Other Scriptural References: Pro10v11: 16v24: 21v23; Jb6v25:22v28.
Prayer for Today: In the name of Jesus, today, I gain dominion over my mouth and words.
CONFESSION: My hour of deliverance is here! For I am no longer a slave to my words instead my words are working for me and not against me. I enter into a new realm of dominion and life! This is my testimony and song beginning from today in Jesus name amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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