2Corithians 9verse6-8: “But this I say; he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.”

There is a Dimension of Power that being Generous brings into someone’s life; this is why you should take your Giving Life seriously. Whether it’s Giving to God or his Work. Or giving to his Anointed Agents or to the Needy. All these kinds of giving bring a Supernatural dimension into your life. And as you can see from our text scripture in (2Cor.9v6-8), the Great Apostle Paul makes us understand that Givers never lack! Grace is what makes life beautiful, colourful and easy! So Giving is one means of enjoying a Graceful life! One thing about Grace is that it can multiply or even diminish but I am sure you prefer for it to abound. Dearly beloved, living a life of Generosity is one means of experiencing a Graceful life. Givers never lack Grace. The early church was a Grace Full church particularly because of their generous spirit, among several other things (Acts 2v44-45). Their Example should be a Source of Inspiration and Motivation to All of Us Today. What God did for them, he will do the same and even much more because he is no respecter of persons but of faith. So it’s time to leverage the power of Generosity! You have the capacity to be generous because you are born of God. Since Your Heavenly father is generous, you too ought to be the same because you are born of his Spirit (Ps.37v25-26). So understand that the power to be generous is in you and God want you to leverage it. You don’t have to be a Millionaire before you can be generous; just start from where you are now. Little becomes much when it’s put into the hands of God. So start manifesting the power of Generosity today by sowing acts of kindness in any little way you can. I guarantee you in Jesus name that God would promote and bless you as you do so. My dear reader, I want you to remember the following:

  • Never Underestimate the Power of your Giving or Generosity (Gen.8v22).
  • Never Despise Your Giving or Generosity. Take your Giving Life seriously.
    Once again, I want you to remember that Givers Never lack Grace! This is one clear message we can pick from our text scripture in (2Cor.9v6-8). As you commit yourself to the life of Generosity, Grace will never be lacking unto you also. So in what ways does my giving connect you to Grace?

1. By connecting you to the anointing. I know that there are various avenues to the anointing but one of such avenues is through your Giving Life. The scriptures attest to this fact as you can see in (Pro.11v24-25; Isa.32v20; Acts 20v35) to mention just a few. The Anointing is the Supernatural Ability of God and you need this Dimension of Power in your life if you will really become all that you have the capacity for. So it’s time to take more seriously your Giving Life.

2. By making Ways for you. In actual fact, your giving is a Way Maker. In (Pro.18v16), it says that a Man’s gift (gift here means donation, present or giving) makes Way for him. The Word “Maketh Room” is the Hebrew word (Rachab, which means to broaden– make large, (open) wide), so Giving is an Enlarger. And the Word “Bringeth” in the same scripture is the Hebrew word (Nachah). This word means to guide, transport (into exile) or as colonists (i.e. bestow, govern, lead (forth), put. So your gift can guide or grant you access. Glory be to God in the highest. This is why you should not underestimate the power of your Generosity. I have seen this power at work in my life and the lives of others too. And you too won’t be an Exception. So it’s time to rise up to this challenge. I see things changing for the better for you, too, in Jesus name. Join me in our next lesson as I share with you on the kind of doors your Generosity can unlock. See you Powerfully.

Other Scriptural References: (1Ki.17v12-16; 2Ki.4v1-7; Pro.22v9; Gen.22v1-2, 15-18; Acts 4v34-37; 2Cor.8v1-2).

Prayer for Today: Thank you Father for opening my eyes of understanding to the Power behind my Generosity Today.

CONFESSION: There is Power in my Generosity. This is why I take my Giving Life seriously! I am wise and discreet about my Giving! I am deliberate and purposeful in my Giving. I believe with all my heart that my Giving is making ways for me. I am blessed to be a Blessing. Through my Giving, I am experiencing the fullness of God’s blessings in all ramifications in Jesus name.