2 Corinthians 5:17: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”
I welcome you to another powerful encounter in our study on knowing who you are in Christ and so far we have examined several truths about our identity in Christ. Today by His grace, we shall be looking at another discovery about our identity. So, who are you in Christ?
xviii. You are his highly-favoured one. This is your new name and identity in Christ now. You are the graced one because you have been justified by His grace (Titus 3:7). God’s favour is now your heritage. In order to understand this fully, you need to know what grace is. Grace is the unmerited favour or undeserved kindness of God. It’s the preferential treatment of God. So, as the graced one, God is lenient and biased towards you. Another meaning of the word “grace” is “God’s Riches at Christ Expense.” So, as the graced one, God’s riches have been abundantly poured on you. This is your new status in Christ and this is how God expects you to see yourself (Ephesians 2:7).
I know from experience that many believers struggle with the truth of being highly favoured but that is who God says you are and the earlier you accept this, the better for you. However, I would like us to look at some truths that assures you of being the highly-favoured one:
-God loves you specially and sacrificially and the way He loves you is an indication of his favour on you (I John 3:1).
-You did not do anything apart from accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour to merit and deserve such favour (Ephesians 2:8-9).
-You are his elect and favorite. He chose and selected you to be His own. This is an indication of His favour upon your life (I Peter 2:9).
-You are his priceless possession. This is also proof of the kind of favour you have with God (Romans 8:32).
-You are his beloved child. The fact that you are His dearly beloved is proof of the kind of favour you have found with God (Matthew 7:11).
It’s very clear from this submission that you are truly the graced one and it’s time for you to fully embrace this new identity of yours in Christ.
Other Scriptural References: (Rom/3:24; 1Tim.1:14; Ps.5:12; Esther 2:8-9; Daniel 1:9; Acts 2:47).
Prayer for Today: Lord, please help me to fully embrace and comprehend my new status as the highly-favoured one. Help me to understand the riches of your grace towards me in Jesus name. Amen.
CONFESSION: I am the highly-favoured one. I am grace-made. This is my new identity in Christ and I embrace it by faith. I am a partaker and a product of His exceeding Grace. His grace has been abundantly shed on me and I operate in the fullness of this grace. I do not abuse His grace on me but rather I am maximizing His grace in my life to the fullest and also showcasing His glory everywhere I go in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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