Romans12verse11 ‘Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the lord.’

God’s work is the most profitable work that any man can ever do. Nothing prospers like God’s work. 1Tim4v8. This is why you need to be actively engaged in God’s work because you know that you are dealing with a God that cannot lie. But in order to prosper in his work, you need to know how he wants to be served. Yes, God does not want you to serve him anyhow or any way. So how does he want to be served then? He wants to be served in the following manner:

1. He wants you to serve him according to his purpose and will for your life. This simply means he wants you to do what he has commanded or asked. My dear reader, it’s not just enough to serve God, but you need to serve God the way he wants to be served. So are you serving God the way he wants to be served? Are you doing what he asked you to do? Are you serving where he wants you to serve? The answers you give to these questions will determine whether you will prosper in his work or not. Acts9v15-16

2. He wants you to walk in partnership with your leader. If you want to really prosper in God’s work, you need to walk with your leader and not against your leader. There can’t be two captains on the same ship. This is why it’s essential for you to cooperate and collaborate with your leader. As a worker, learn to compliment your leader and stop competing against them. This is one of the important keys to prospering in God’s work. Walking with your leader also means knowing their heartbeat, temperament, vision, and dreams. This is why Timothy prospered in doing God’s work with Apostle Paul. The same is also true of David. He prospered serving God under king Saul because he walked with leadership and not against Saul. Philip2v19-22
Precious Child of God, how would you describe your walk with your leaders, especially where you are serving now?
Dearly beloved ones, it’s time for you to begin to pay attention to the way you serve God because therein lies your prosperity.

Other Scriptural References: Jn2v5: Acts26v19: Amo3v3: Ps133v1: Eph4v3: Heb13v7,17,24: Col4v7-11

Prayer for Today: Holy Spirit, help me to serve you in an acceptable manner in Jesus name, amen.

CONFESSION: I commit myself to serve God in the way and manner he wants to be served. I chose to serve God according to his purpose for my life. I chose to compliment the efforts of my leaders and as I do this, I prosper exceedingly in his work.