Psalm 92verse10 ‘But my horn shalt thou exalt like the horn of an unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil’
God does not do his things without any clear purpose and Intention. And when it comes to the anointing that is on your life; you need to know that there are a lot of reasons why God has anointed you. Our heavenly father does not anoint us for anointing’s sake but he obviously has certain objectives at the back of his mind. This is what we intend to discover in this series of teachings beginning from today and I am super excited about this because I know it will mark the beginning of a new thing in your walk with God. So what are the main reasons why God anoints his people? What is the anointing supposed to accomplish? I want us to examine a few of these reasons today. So here we go!
Reasons for The Anointing:
1. To destroy yokes and remove burdens. This is why the anointing is also called the burden removing and yoke destroying the power of God. The anointing exists to destroy limitations, bondages, barriers, etc.
So the anointing you carry can destroy yokes and remove burdens from people’s lives. This is why you need to take the anointing in your life more seriously. Isa10v27: Ps102v19-20
2. To enable and empower you. The anointing enables you to do what you could not do naturally or humanly speaking. The anointing is the super ability of God and when the super comes on the natural, it produces the supernatural. Thank God for human strength but it can’t be compared with the super ability of God. When you realize what the anointing is, you will discover that impossibilities will be turned into possibilities for you. The anointing should be the source of your strength. So, my dear reader, it’s time for you to begin to depend on anointing, if you want to be able to do the supernatural. I know as human beings we have limitations but glory be to God, through the anointing, everything that you thought cannot be done shall be made easy for you. Philip4v13: Isa40v31
3. To do supernatural exploits. The anointing grants you access to the realm of signs, wonders and miracles. This dimension is beyond human comprehension and understanding but is available in the anointing you carry. So never underestimate the anointing. It’s much more powerful than you think! At times we don’t realize the awesome power that is at our disposal but I believe that this is one of the reasons God is bringing this message your way. So you need to understand, precious child of God that you carry what gives you access to the realm of the miraculous. Infact the power of the Holy Spirit is actually the miracle-working power. So know that you carry God’s miracle working power within your bosom. So I welcome you to the dimension of supernatural exploits from today in Jesus name, amen. Acts19v11-12;14v3
Prayer for Today: Father, I fully embrace what the anointing is meant to accomplish in my life in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: Jug14v6,19;15v19;11v29: 1Sam10v6-7: Lk13v12-13: Isa49 24-26
CONFESSION: I believe in what the anointing is meant to accomplish in my life and ministry. As I walk in the realities of these truths my life shall not be the same again! Hallelujah!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Lord, I fully, totally embrace all the anointing is meant for in my life. I receive in totality the manifestations in my life and family in the name of Jesus.