1Corinthians14verse40 ‘Let all things be done decently and in order’.
God is a God of order and protocols. Those who abide by his laws do get blessed and empowered, whereas those who go against his laws get punished and hurt in the process. This is why God wants you and I to be conscious of his laws so that our lives can be better. In the same vein, when. It comes to marriage, and there are certain acceptable rules of behavior and vice versa also. This is what I have been sharing with you in this series of lessons and I do believe that you have been blessed by all the laws I have shared with you so far. Today by his grace, I will be sharing some other acceptable rules of engagement in marriage. So without much ado, let’s examine them right away.
25. Make efforts to connect with your spouse every day. My dear reader, marriage is like a garden that must be regularly taken care of. So take time to tend your garden as this is one of the secrets of a healthy marriage. Find time to validate and connect with your spouse every day. Find the time to talk, share, laugh and enjoy each other’s company. This is one of the important things you need to pay attention to in your marriage if it succeeds. So get to work on this right away. SoS 5v4-8
26. Always communicate your feelings. It’s not your partner’s job to read your mind or to know what you are thinking about. This is why you need to communicate your feelings yourself. This is one of the simple but yet important laws in marriage. Stop bottling your emotions or concealing your feelings from one another. It’s important for you to be honest and open to each other along these lines if the joy of marital bliss would be yours.Gen21v9-12.so it’s time to learn how to express your feelings to your spouse.
27. Take responsibility for your part in the marriage. Every partner (husband and wife) has a role to play in the marriage. So make up your mind to play your part very well. The truth of the matter is that God won’t help you to do what you ought to do. He will only do what you can’t do. So, my dear friends, it’s time to stop neglecting your roles and responsibilities in your marriage. Start playing your part as either the wife or husband and God will begin to help you in ways beyond your understanding. If you are saying yes to this, say a Big AMEN. Eph5v21-22,25
My dearly beloved ones, I believe that you have been blessed by the truths we have considered today, may God grant you further understanding in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: Col 3v18-19: Tit2v4-5: 1Pet3v1-7: 1Tim5v8
Prayer for Today: Holy Father, help me to become a better partner in my marriage in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: Father God, I thank you for all these wonderful truths that you have been opening my eyes to. I receive grace and wisdom to put them into practice in my life from today. Blessed holy spirit be thou my helper and Strengther!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Yes and amen