2Cor.1v21: Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God.
The anointing that is on and in you is not meant for decoration but to accomplish some definite works. This is why you need to take the Anointing more seriously if it’s going to work in your life and Ministry. According to our text scripture in (2Corinthians 1 verse 21), you are a partaker of the Anointing because of the Anointer, who by the way is God himself. But to what extent are you walking in the fullness of the Anointing. The Anointing is meant to speak in your life and Endeavours. If this will happen, you need to start paying more attention to the Anointing and one way you can do this is by becoming more aware of what the anointing is capable of doing in a man’s life. This is what I will be sharing with you in this series of lessons, so without much ado, let’s examine these benefits the right way.
1. It’s the source of your establishment. The Anointing will keep you from falling or falling away. This is one of the benefits of God’s power in the life of a Believer. As you can see from (2 Corinthians 1 verse 21), the anointing is the source of the establishment. The anointing will therefore keep you grounded and rooted in Christ. This is why you need to take the Anointing more seriously. So, my dear reader, it’s time to be more conscious of the anointing on your life because your establishment is connected to it (Ps.89v21).
2. It’s the source of your Deliverance. Yes, the Anointing is your instrument of deliverance. It will not only deliver you but also be a tool for delivering others through you. This is deliverance on a double basis. This is what God meant in (Ps.89v22-23) as part of the blessings of the anointing to David; that the enemy shall not exact upon him neither the son of wickedness afflict him. Jehovah also promised to beat his foes before his eyes and plague those who hate him. You too can expect the same results from the anointing that is upon your life. It will deliver you from the enemies of your soul and also deliver others through you. So your Victory is guaranteed in the name of Jesus Christ.
3. It’s your source of Protection and Preservation. The anointing guarantees your protection and preservation. It does this in so many ways by:
– Protecting and preserving you from evil or danger (Job 1v10).
– Protecting and Preserving you in the midst of Evil or Danger (Dan.3v20-26).
– Protecting and Preserving you after Evil has done its work like he did in the case of Lazarus in (John 11v39-44).
Make no mistake about the ability of the anointing to protect and preserve you and also everything connected to you. The anointing is your protector and Preserver. So this is the more reason why you need to believe in the outworking of this great Power in your life (Ps.105v14-15). Yes, I know we are living in challenging and troubled times but Glory be to God, you are never alone. So no need to worry because your Protection and Preservation is Guaranteed in Jesus name, amen.
1. It’s the Source of your Strength. Thank God for intellectual power and abilities but it can’t be compared to the strength that the Anointing brings into your life as a believer. This is why you need to recognize the Anointing more in your life and daily walk. A good example of someone who walked in this truth is Samson. The anointing was the Source of his Power (Jug.14v6, 19: 15v14). My dear brothers and sisters, you too need to start recognizing the place of the Anointing as your strength in whatever you do. When you begin to do this, your strength won’t fall nor will you be put to shame. So start walking in this Consciousness from today. Recognize that you have more than enough power at your disposal. Therefore, you won’t fail in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Ps.144v1: 18v1: 28v8: 20v6: 18v50: Philip.4v14; Exo.13v21-22: 14v24-25; Jud.1v24; Col.2v6-7).
Prayer for Today: Lord, thank you for opening my eyes of understanding to the Benefits of the Anointing upon my life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I choose to be conscious of the anointing on me and inside me. I also believe in the out working of this Great power. The anointing is working mightily in my life and my endeavours. I am a partaker and beneficiary of the anointing. Glory be to his name, for the anointing works powerfully in my life.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Amen! I walk in the fullness of the power of God’s anointing on and in me in Jesus name.
As I am conscious of the Anointing on me and in me, the full benefits of the Anointing are mine in JESUS Name.