1Cor.4v1-2: Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover, it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.
When it comes to serving the Lord, God has certain things he expects from you. This has been the focus of this series of teachings. I have shared with you so far some of the requirements of rendering our service to the Lord. I strongly believe that you have been greatly encouraged and helped by these truths. Today, by the special grace of God, we go one more step further in examining some other parts of these requirements. So without much ado, let’s delve in right away into these important conditions.
- Humility. It takes humility to be effective in our service to the Lord because God cannot use a proud person. So to carry grace, you need to be humble. The way up is the way down! Humility will not only take you to the top, but it will keep you there. So, how humble are you? A humble vessel knows that without the Lord, they are nothing. They recognize him as their source and sufficiency. Humility always attracts the grace of God, so if you don’t want to stumble, stay humble (Jam.4v6, 10). My dear reader, the more humble you are, the easier for God to use you, so it’s time to embrace the spirit of humility in service, for this is the pathway to effective ministry and greatness (2Chro.26v5, 15-16).
- Preparation. If God is going to use you for his glory, then you need to be a prepared vessel. You need to prepare your heart, mind, and body for his use. So, how prepared are you for his service or use? Do you also know that your preparation is in your hands? So what kind of efforts are you putting into your preparation for his service? How are you using the opportunities, training, exposure, devotion/worship, etc., at your disposal? The answers you give to these questions will reveal to a more considerable extent where you are regarding your preparation. It’s time to put a premium on your preparation because preparation will help you to render excellent service. So my dear reader, don’t take your preparation lightly but seriously (Pro.24v27).
- Teachability. Being teachable is part of the requirements of service. A teachable vessel is someone who is willing to learn, unlearn and relearn. Apollos was teachable (Acts 18v24-28), and so also was Samuel (1Sam.2v11: 3v1). In fact, Elisha was a teachable servant (2Kings3v11) and so also was the great Apostle Paul. So to what extent are you teachable? Teachability is the desire to listen, learn and apply. It is a hunger to discover and grow. It is an important requirement of serving the Lord as the greatest enemy of learning is knowing. Those who think they know never grow much and will never accomplish greater things. So my dear reader, are you ready to learn from others? (i.e. your superiors, contemporaries, juniors, young or old, female or male et cetera.) Your answer to this question will determine where you will end up at the end of the day. If I were you, I will choose and embrace the attitude of teachability from today in my service to God. My dear reader, it’s time to take your service to another level as you embrace these key requirements in Jesus name, amen.
Other Scriptural References: (Pro.15v12: 29v1; Acts 9v19, 28; 1Cor.8v2; Pro.16v1; 2Chro.27v6; Jug.13v25; Lk.18v14; Pro.16v18: 18v12; Acts 20v19; 1Cor.15v10; Isa.57v15).
Prayer for Today: Lord, my resolution is to serve you the way you want to be served. Help me to be faithful to the end in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I am fully committed to serving the Lord according to his prescribed order. I will serve my King according to his laid down requirements. I will not falter or default by any means. His grace is more than sufficient for me and also abounds unto me in everything that I do. I will be diligent in my service, so therefore, I will not be put to shame. Once again, thank you, Father, for the opportunity of being an instrument in your hands.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
Let me always be teachable. Let pride find non place let me not stray to please man in the place of service but please you in the name of Jesus