(James 4:3: You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures)
I believe you are enjoying our series of lessons on what prayer is really all about and I also hope your prayer life is changing for the better. It’s very clear from our text scripture in James 4:3 that certain things prevent us from getting answers to our prayers and the focus of this teaching is to help us to be successful in our prayer lives. Once again, I will be sharing with you certain truths that will give you a better understanding of prayer:
v. Prayer is not a spiritual gift but a spiritual habit that you need to develop. Some people look at prayer as a gift; hence, the reason for justifying their prayerlessness. But this is far from the truth because prayer is a habit that can be cultivated and developed if you put your heart to it. Are you ready to develop your prayer life? (1Thessalonians 5:17).
vi. Prayer is work. Prayer is like someone toiling or labouring. This is why at times, the scriptures uses the terminology of someone in labour pains to describe what prayer is (see Galatians 4:19; Isaiah 66:8). My dear reader, you need to see prayer from this dimension if you want to succeed in your prayer life. If you are the lazy type, you won’t enjoy much success in your prayer life (1Thessalonians 3:10). Are you ready to labour in the place of prayer? Are you ready to pay the price? I pray in the name of Jesus that your labour in the place of prayer shall not be in vain.
vii. Prayer is warfare. Yes, this is absolutely true because in the place of prayer you have to contend with spiritual forces and entities who are trying to negate or obstruct your prayers. But you have nothing to worry about because you are more than a conqueror in Christ. Christ has equipped you for victory; so, no reason to fear. As you travail in the place of prayer, I see you prevailing in the name of Jesus, amen (Ephesians 6:12, 18).
Major points for meditation:
- Prayer is a spiritual habit and not a spiritual gift
- Prayer is work!
- Prayer is warfare!
Other Scriptural References: (Matthew 11:12; Luke 22:44; 26:36-46; 1 Thessalonians 2:17; Colossians 4:12; 2Corinthians 10:3-5)
Prayer for Today: Father, help me not to be lazy or weary in the place of prayer. Help me to prevail and not to fail in my prayer life in Jesus name, amen.
CONFESSION: I commit myself today to a lifestyle of prayer. I will not be lazy or weary in the place of prayer. As I labour in the place of prayer, I will have fruits to show for all my labours. The Holy Spirit is my helper; therefore, I prevail in all my travailing in the place of prayer. Glory be to God, my prayer life is renewed and revived.

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
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