(John 14:16-18: “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that he may abide with you forever, the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him; for He dwells with you, and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you”)
Jesus promised never to leave or forsake us his people and one of the fulfillment of this promise is the gift of the Holy Spirit. He sent to us a Comforter in the person of the Holy Spirit. He introduced the Holy Spirit unto us in the book of John as our Comforter, as you can also see in (Jn. 14:16-18), but many believers are yet to comprehend the blessing of the Comforter.
So what does a Comforter mean?
The word Comforter in the Greek means Parakletos or Paraclete. It’s from 2 words namely Para (alongside, near proximity or being very close to someone or something else) and Kaleo (to call aloud, utter in a loud voice, to invite, to call i.e. to name, by name or to give a name to). So basically, a Comforter is someone sent alongside to help or called to one’s aid. He is someone you call out to aloud or by name to come close to help you.
This is who the Holy Spirit is to you. He is available to help, aid, assist, and strengthen you in the time of need. Other meanings of Comforter are Advocate, Consoler, Succor, Aider, Assistant, Pleader, Counsellor, or one who pleads another’s case before a judge. The implications of the meanings of the Holy Spirit being our Comforter are quite enriching and interesting and I’ll like us to consider some of them:
- You are never without help as a believer because the Holy Spirit is with you (John 14:18).
- You have a Helper for life in the Holy Spirit. He is your present and permanent source of help for life (John 14:16).
- You are never alone because you have a Blessed Companion in the Holy Spirit. So “loneliness” or “aloneness” is never your problem (Hebrews 13:5).
So therefore, my dear reader, it’s time to begin to maximize the ministry of the Holy Spirit as your Blessed Comforter.
OTHER SCRIPTURAL REFERENCES: John 15:26: 16:7: 14:26.
PRAYER FOR TODAY: Father God, I have acknowledged the ministry of the Holy Spirit as my Comforter. Please forgive me for ignoring him as my Comforter. From today, I begin to relate to him as my Blessed Comforter. Glory be to God because I have a Blessed Helper in the Holy Spirit.
CONFESSION: I am never without help or assistance for the Holy Spirit is my comforter. I have a helper for life and I am never alone because he is always with me. I am well-equipped for this life. Therefore, I refuse to fear or fret about anything because my Comforter is more than able to handle anything that comes my way. I thank you my heavenly Father for caring so much for me. Hallelujah!

Yemi Adeoti is a pastor, teacher, life coach and mentor & also a prolific writer.
HOLY SPIRIT, My Helper, My Comforter
All of my help cometh from within me cos the HOLY SPIRIT is with me.